Ace Malawi or Malawi x panama outdoor?

Freedom seed

Well-Known Member
Help me out here if someone has grown both or either at a similar latitude. Ace’s site says these plants are good up to 43 latitude, ripening end of October, beginning of November. I get the fall weather to do this. Panama is recommended to 45 latitude. I’m at 42 latitude.

1. Get the Malawi

2. Get the F1’s because of vigour, height, yield? Malawi x Panama.

3. Does the opposite cross have any qualities that may make it a better choice? Panama x Malawi.

4. Get neither, finishing times underestimated.
Hate to disappoint you but here was my experience.
I live at 31 degrees latitude and tried two years with ACE, Seeds of Africa and African Buzz versions of Malawi. All very different. Was on a mission to grow something unique. Lol
Our summer peaks at 14 hours and 13 minutes of light on June 21st. Plants did not start to ripen until Early October to mid November. African Buzz was the first and had the least sativa characteristics but had the largest yield and bag appeal.
Seeds of Africa finished second and had the most unique terps and effect. Yield was less and bag appeal was low with loose airy buds.
ACE was last to finish and had the most sativa characteristics. Yield and bag appeal sucked. Nice clean high but only ounces on 12 foot tall plants. Second year we had an early freeze in mid October and I had to pull down 80% of the SOA and all of the ACE early. Had lost my seed for ABuzz and only kept the SOA. Gave up on ACE.
Crossed Mean Gene’s Cherry West on a Malawi female because it has everything Malawi lacks. Density Terps and production. Realize it will erase the clean sativa high.
Side note. Malawi might be able to naturalize in the right environment. Plants have come up on their own everywhere seed fell. I also had seed sprout in the fall and live through a mild winter with lows of 27 degrees ( was cold enough to have half inch of ice in standing water in the back of a truck) some flowered out before summer but some avoided it and could be huge by fall.
I would cross with a quick sativa like Durban Poison to bring the time down but keep the high.
I did the ace Malawi 12/12 straight from seed. I got good yield but looser buds as you would expect (not great bag appeal but I care little about that) Great interesting flavor and great high. I’m going to grow again. It was fun to see it double in size for weeks on end and get huge. If your growing inside I would recommend doing 12/12 from seed. 4 in a 5x5 would more than fill a tent. Mine went 14 weeks.

I like the comment above about the potential to naturalise to the climate. That could be a project.

Have a Beanhoarder Golden Tiger x PCK in the ground for a few weeks now, about 5’ already. I top dressed some aged cow manure this morning we will see what this thing can do.
At 42 lat i wouldn't recommend it. We start getting heavy frosts around mid to end of October. The buds will be huge with that cross and with the rain and cold temps of fall it will be a perfect recipe for botrytis. If you grow out a bunch you might find a keeper or two that will do well but be prepared.
I'd personally recommend triggering flowering indoors for a month then moving outdoors for the remaining duration. Maybe too late now for that though.
At 42 lat i wouldn't recommend it. We start getting heavy frosts around mid to end of October. The buds will be huge with that cross and with the rain and cold temps of fall it will be a perfect recipe for botrytis. If you grow out a bunch you might find a keeper or two that will do well but be prepared.

I have a mild fall and don’t often have killing frosts before then. Only lost 1% or less to botrytis last year. There is a 70’s Columbia Red Hair IBL growing beside it that will go to the middle of November. It’ll be fine, it is most years.

Did a few plants with shit wicks, dug down through 8” cracked crust of 50 year old cow manure until I hit clay and water. Then dropped a few big clods in the bottom, fill hole with dirt/clay/biochar/bonechar/crushed limestone and made 5’ diameter mulch pads to keep it all moist and encourage root growth out through the manure, which cracks when dry. Used bush mulch, a mix of half rotten wood, half forest floor duff (hardwood forest pure humus).

Everything is getting fishwater and growing fast.
A couple Pakima. ACE Panama + PCK cross I made and grew last year. Got a little yellow on me but that's what happens when you don't feed and water with the hose until runoff frequently. I should have used bigger pots than the 3 gallon I used. I have a ton of ACE genetics. I'm growing their Ethiopian right now.

Thank you for the fine report, that sounds promising. I selected that out of three different crosses, the guy at hempdepot actually recommended the pck cross as the pck is known for being a mold resistant indica. I’m doing some of his haze hybrids this year too. Banger haze x ssh is looking nice. Also have a Peshawar Afghani Sativa to try.
The plant is from the Malawi pheno of Golden Tiger crossed with a PCK. I haven’t fimmed, pinched or trained anything. It is 6’ high, 5’ wide, Christmas tree shaped, primary branches 2.5’, secondary branches some 6” already and growing, and it shouldn’t even start to bud for another 1.5 months. It’s supposed to be highly resistant to mold and weather so I’m just going to sit back and keep the sand, poop, and bush mulch soaked with fishwater and see what happens.