acid stored for a bit


Active Member
when you store acid for two weeks or so, does it just become less potent after a while or can it make you have a bad trip?


Well-Known Member
acid is best stored in a cool dark place.

with that said... I once had some hits stored for a few months in a warm room (through Summer) under some books. I took 3 hits of that stuff and it was the most amazing and profound psychoactive experience i've ever had.


Active Member
ha whatever it is its wrapped in tin foil sitting in a cd case under a pillow in a room temperature room. thanks for the imput guys


Active Member
foil is horrible for acid...tin foil (All aluminum) develops condensationw hen there's a change in temeprature...the condensation will destroy the acid or at least get it on the aluminum instead of the paper...put it in a baggie hidden away in a drawer and you should be good...I stored acid for over 6 months and it was good when I took it...I've bought doses that were highly degraded from the same batch because it was kept in foil and in the want no moisture and a fridge/freezer will definitley provide you with moisture.