acidently smoked close to bud rott spot of weed

loaded dervish

Active Member
The weed was like orangish it was weard cracked the bud a little spot of mold should i worry. What should i watch out for and what helth affect will it have. plz any advise dont want to die!!I just smoked the orangish part not the mold part i am going to take it back and put my food down rofl i almost smoked that!!

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
Oh noes ... you gonna drop dead - can't be smokin anythin but the absolute primo bud, you will get cancer and die !!!!!
Unless the bud is absolutely perfect you should throw it away.

I seriously don't think that you should be smoking cannabis if you are so paranoid.
Commercial cannabis would have various different fungi, dead bugs, bug and bird shit and god knows what else on it ... it doesn't seem to kill many people.

loaded dervish

Active Member
Just didint now what happened when you ingested fungi. I just wanted to be safe i always say better safe then sorry. I check all my buds for bud rott always kill it befor harvest this is a sign of a impatient growers who dont take there time.


Well-Known Member
You'll be ok. One time I smoked about an eighth of a bag before i realized some of the buds had mold in them. It grossed me out but i was fine.