ACMPR "Indoor AND Outdoor" plant counts


Well-Known Member
It is getting close to my ACMPR renewal, and I'm considering doing the split "indoor/outdoor" after reading that many people simply do both at the same time, and would plead confusion over the wording if ever bothered by the pigs. But nobody seems to ever have had to bother with this. I was considering just sending in some 'amendments' a few times a year to change it based on the season, and keep my 'proof of delivery to Health Canada' as evidence I have filed the change.

But why bother? If cops don't care, why should I bother? I'm thinking my indoor clone library may put me over my 'indoor plant count' in the summer. But really, are cops going to bother charging me with anything for having a rack of clones indoors over my 'indoor plant count'??

Looking for feedback from people who use the 'indoor AND outdoor' option, but pretty much do as they wish.
God forbid, something happens your insurance would have a case to not pay you out if your over limits, on top of potential fines etc. You can grow 4 out or inside (Ontario) for rec on top of your med numbers.
I had the police inside my house, (I called them over some crackheads) had 3 tents filled with plants and we were right beside them all. I offered to show him my papers and he laughed and said he didn't care
In my experience, this is a bylaw issue and the police aren’t interested.

I had 20+ plants in my backyard and my neighbour couldn’t get anyone from the city to come out until he complained about the smell of a rotting animal coming from my property. I told the bylaw officer what was going on and they didn’t even want to look in the back/at my paperwork - told me he would be marking the issue as settled and be reminding the complainant that filing a false report is a crime.

my understanding is that if you’re only over your limit by a small amount then you’re only looking at fines - but I also think it can effect your medical license status so probably not worth it.

I’d just ask for a higher daily intake. I told the dr I wanted to grow more plants and they upped mine.
The cops and by-law officers don't care. But if you want to play by the books, do what you said about the amendments every spring and fall. I think HC would have clarified this more clearly in their revised application if they really cared. It's common sense in Canada you grow your plants outside in the summer, and inside in the winter. Duh.