Acoustic / Insulated Ducting for Noise Control


Active Member
Hi guys, I have a 3x3x6 DR90 II Secret Jardin Tent. I plan on ordering a 6'' TD150-S silent fan and carbon filter from amazon. I heard the unit itself was very quiet but the shuffling of all the air is the big noise maker.

My question to you guys is, have any of you used Acoustic Ducting / Insulated Ducting for this purpose?

The filter and fan will reside in the tent.

Is the fiberglass contained in the ducting dangerous to either me or the plants??


Active Member
Sound is a big issue for me, as I sleep in the room in an apartment and another bedroom is right downstairs below me.


Active Member
Duct liner will indeed work , but these are some things to consider when using duct liner for acoustical purposes, first you will have to increase your duct size to accomadate the thickness you use , I would use 1 inch thick liner for this pupose so if you were running 6'' round you will have to increase to 8inch round , second would be dust control ,and humidity control ,then also remember duct liner will absorb smell to a certain the long run you might want to look in to a ventalation Sound Trap device .

Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
I wrap my shit in cheap heavy sleeping bags (fan and ducting) and its quieter in my bed room than when I turn on our oscillating fan. Food for thought.-S0uP


Well-Known Member
maybe use rubberized spray paint and get the insides of the pipes w/ it? and use rubber mounting clips!
and of course a muffler for the inline fan


Using insulated ducting too (a regular alu 125mm wrapped in some 1" thick rockwool, all wrapped in a very thing layer of alu/plastic to hold it all) between carbonfilter/fan/exhaust and it does pretty well.
To counter the airflow noise issue, you can also add a silencer like a muffler at the end of your ducting lince, it really does help!