Can find any dosages anywhere. What is recommended per gallon I got a 2oz packet looking to use as a foliar spray as a prevention of mold and bud rot
I'm planning on picking up some Actinovate myself.
Here are the directions
Dissolve 1-2 teaspoon (4-8 grams) of Actinovate® For Lawn &
Garden per 2 gallons of water to create solution. Apply solution
to pot, base of plant, or roots of plant by watering until soil is
completely saturated without creating run-off. For more severe
disease pressure or likelihood of disease pressure, use higher
rates. One cup of solution usually treats about one 6” pot or it’s
equivalent. For best results apply to damp soil and/or apply in
conjunction with a wetting agent. Pre-dampened soil will allow
the product to work to the root system of the plant much more
easily. Apply Actinovate® For Lawn & Garden at any stage of the
crop life. For best results, apply as early as possible such as at
seeding, transplant or potting stage. Reapply every 2-12 weeks
as needed. Apply product with watering can, hose-end sprayer
or similar devices.
Dissolve 1-2 teaspoon (4-8 grams) of Actinovate® For Lawn &
Garden per 2 gallons of water to create solution. Spray leaves,
stems, and new shoots to runoff providing complete coverage
of entire plant. For more severe disease pressure or likelihood
of disease pressure, use higher rates. For best results, apply
product prior to disease development or at the first sign of
infection. Repeat at 7-day intervals to protect new foliage.
Under conditions of heavy rainfall, it may be necessary to
reapply the product after the rain has stopped. Do not water
foliage within 4 hours of application. Use a pump bottle,
handheld pump, backpack or similar type of spray equipment.