
So a couple of days ago I went into my local hydro shop (Acme Hydro in Broomfield, CO...check it out if you're in the area) to gat a few thing and Actinovate was an items on my list. I have not bought Actinovate from this particular store so I wasn't sure if they even carried it. The owner of the store Jason, is a nice guy and is always helpful so I asked if he had any for me, he proceeded to tell me what a great product it was (yea that's why I'm trying re-up yo) but that they had stopped making the stuff. (WTF?) So I wanted to see if anyone knows anything about this and if it is true what happened?! Also I was wondering if there was any good replacements out there for Actinovate. This is a product that I have always added to my compost teas so to see it go will be a bummer for me to say the least.