

Well-Known Member
I just recently started taking adderall about once a week. I usually take two 30mg. I love these the high is soo much fun and i just seem to focus on everything so much better. Anyone else here use adderall?
I just recently started taking adderall about once a week. I usually take two 30mg. I love these the high is soo much fun and i just seem to focus on everything so much better. Anyone else here use adderall?

I've done addies and I usually would do 150 mg a dose but I don't like speedin, not my thing, it's all about that lean.
I used to get adderall prescribed to me ... that was until i became a meth head .... ive been clean and sober from all drugs (excluding marijuana and beer) for over 3 years now including pills that i had a doctor prescribe to me

I would stay away from that pharmasutical shit man.. its poison....

keep it real.. real green that is
Yea i know the dangers of the pills which is why i try to only take them once a week. I can see how it is easy to get addicted to shit like this though.
well i might have adhd so this is good news and that sucks, i used to be addicted to vicodin which wasnt good, but im clean now
The addiction is easeier to overcome then people will tell you... but the damage you do to your body will never go away... dont get me wrong because i love to speed everyday... but i do it naturally.. WITH SHIT LOADS OF COFFEE :D
I took those for 5 months perscription. fuck that shit, dextro-amphetamines.

stick to herb man.

make no mistake, coffee can be just as bad. it's killed more people than weed . . . (then again, just about everything has.)
You need to kick that shit and stick to weed man, it's so easy to die from prescription meds especially painkillers
I take it for my ADD... I take about 50mg a day... does me wonders... I don't do it for the fun of it... but It helps me with my everyday chores in the garden and focus at work!
You need to kick that shit and stick to weed man, it's so easy to die from prescription meds especially painkillers
Meh, just make sure you eat, stay hydrated,don't pick at yourself.i get it prescribed, and I take it about twice a month.Helps me focus, alleviates the boredom of housework.But if you take it too much, you'll develop a tolerance.So know your body, and take breaks.:peace: