Adding amendments to a used soil mix questions.

So I recently just finished my first grow. The smoke is some of the strongest I've had. It was from clones of bag seed from Canadian LP.

I tried to grow organicly as possible with the funds at the time. (all my friends use bottle nutrients)
2 50l bags of Biocanna Bio Terra Plus
2 bags of worm castings
1 bag of Lambert shrimp compost
1 bag of mushroom compost
1/2 cup of bat guano veg
1/2 cup of bat guano bloom
I cup of kelp
8 cups of perilte
Mixed it and let it sit a week then transplanted my clones into 3 gallon plastic pots.
Watered with Ph adjusted to 6.5
Used kelp or bat guano mixed in with the water. Every 3Rd watering
Veg for 3 weeks more then flipped to flower.
Starting in week 4 I think I had a calcium deficiency so I bought some calmag.
I also might have burned the plants with my light being too close.
Around the same time most of my fan leaves started turning yellow. The buds were still growing good.
By harvest time all my fan leaves were all yellow.
I had friends tell me it was a nitrogen deficiency.
I didn't water for almost a week before harvest to let the soil dry out.
So a week after harvest I start pulling the root balls from the soil container and dumping the soil in a big container. The soil was still really quite moist. I thought the soil should have been bone dry.

So I'm figuring I way over watered causing most if not all of my deficiencies.
So I have around 100l or 26 gallons of the above mix.
I figure i would make a version of super soil
So I added to my used soil
20l of worm castings
3 cups blood meal
3 cups bone meal
1 cup of Alfa
1 cup of kelp meal
2/3 cup of dolomite
1/3 cup of Epson salts
1 1/2 cup of bat guano veg
1 cup of bat guano bloom
1 1/2 cup of glacier dust
1/2 cup of Azomite
I figue a buffet of ingredients would be good for the plants?

I was planning on adding some compost and more soil but my container is full.
I've been mixing it every 5 or 6 days. I've got that spider Web of mycorrhizae fungus growing like crazy on the top of the mixture. (I was worried until I figured out what it was)

My setup is
2x4 tent
800w led light
I've also switched to fabric pots
Plan on using 1/3 super soil on the bottom and the rest a good organic soil.

Questions I have are.

Do I get another container and split the mixture and add composted shrimp, mushroom or manure?
I know the mixture is going to be quite hot, should I cut it with more Biocanna soil?
Should I add more perilte or something else for drainage?
Should I be adding anything else to the mixture? (I wanted to add neem but can't find it)
How long should I let it cook?
Any advice, constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated.
Yes if it's clumpy definitely add more perlite. I would suggest also adding in some garden gypsum and crushed oyster shell flour if not now then down the road if you can. Manure is good too; i like using cow and/or chicken manure. The cow is much slower releasing than chicken shit so they work well together. You can always cut you mix down with more base soil. 30 days is long enough to cook in most dry amendments. You can also add in any dried green cannabis leaf material you may have from harvest when you recycle soil; it will disappear like magic in a month. If you want to be sure it is ok to use you need a soil probe to check ph. It will get "hot" at first and the ph will dip down then slowly rise. When it reaches 6.5 or higher it's ok to use.
You don't really have to check ph (I never do) as long as you wait a full 30 days to cook everything in. Any mix left to set for a month shouldn't be too hot for plants of any size. For clones or seedlings with tender young roots use spent or recycled soil without adding amendments.
I also like layering my final size containers; works well. Try sprinkling oyster flour on top of your high N layer to help buffer the ph in the root zone. Helps keep them a super dark green. Also if you want to give them a boost try giving them Neptunes Harvest liquid fish. They will pray to you in homage...
What a pile of crap!

You'll never get bagseed from a Canadian LP to start with so from the word go this thread is bullshit.

Come on Richard are you that hard up for cred that you fell for this?

Well I got seeds in my weed from a Canadian LP . Come on, they have used banned pesticides, is it that hard to believe that some of their stuff has seeds?