Adios, Amigos


Active Member
I had a knock on the door from the local porcine patrol yesterday. Seems they had an anonymous tip about some plants growing in my garage. Long story short, they found the grow op, left with some vegetative matter and tore down my setup like Elliot Ness used to bust up breweries with goons with axes (for those who remember that popular TV show about Prohibition). I mean they smashed expensive 1000W HPS lamps and slashed the tents to ribbons with (no shit) switch blades. Not to mention a lot of other unnecessary mayhem and destruction. Nazis.

A bit of good luck, combined with a good lawyer and a small life savings that is now gone, have kept me out of lockup (pending god-knows-what legal hell waits just around the corner) - this is my first offense EVER, I'm 64 years old with a wife and three dependent children, a decent home (in foreclosure) and a respectable job, so maybe that helped convince them not to lock me up immediately; who knows? At any rate, my growing days are over. I'm ruined financially (staying out of jail ain't cheap, but it's better than the alternative), and at my age and situation there are virtually no prospects for recovering from this financial disaster.

And there is still the possibility that I'll end up behind bars. This is far from over.

In the not-too-distant future, my family could be living in a cardboard box and eating out of dumpsters, because I just couldn't keep my big fuckin mouth shut. I don't know which of my "friends" made the call, but it doesn't's on me.

My fault, I let a couple of people in on what I was doing - I broke the first rule of basic security. I don't know who actually ratted me out, but the fault is mine, regardless. Let this be a cautionary tail to anyone else at riu who is tempted to share his cool secret with "trusted" friends.

And that is the last bit of advice I have to offer. I have contributed a bit here at riu, and gotten back invaluable help ten times over what I was able to give. Being a part of this brotherhood of growers, any one of whom has a superior moral compass the the thugs who play at protecting the public, has been one of the best experiences of my life.

Thank you all, and good luck.



Active Member
I had a knock on the door from the local porcine patrol yesterday. Seems they had an anonymous tip about some plants growing in my garage. Long story short, they found the grow op, left with some vegetative matter and tore down my setup like Elliot Ness used to bust up breweries with goons with axes (for those who remember that popular TV show about Prohibition). I mean they smashed expensive 1000W HPS lamps and slashed the tents to ribbons with (no shit) switch blades. Not to mention a lot of other unnecessary mayhem and destruction. Nazis.

A bit of good luck, combined with a good lawyer and a small life savings that is now gone, have kept me out of lockup (pending god-knows-what legal hell waits just around the corner) - this is my first offense EVER, I'm 64 years old with a wife and three dependent children, a decent home (in foreclosure) and a respectable job, so maybe that helped convince them not to lock me up immediately; who knows? At any rate, my growing days are over. I'm ruined financially (staying out of jail ain't cheap, but it's better than the alternative), and at my age and situation there are virtually no prospects for recovering from this financial disaster.

And there is still the possibility that I'll end up behind bars. This is far from over.

In the not-too-distant future, my family could be living in a cardboard box and eating out of dumpsters, because I just couldn't keep my big fuckin mouth shut. I don't know which of my "friends" made the call, but it doesn't's on me.

My fault, I let a couple of people in on what I was doing - I broke the first rule of basic security. I don't know who actually ratted me out, but the fault is mine, regardless. Let this be a cautionary tail to anyone else at riu who is tempted to share his cool secret with "trusted" friends.

And that is the last bit of advice I have to offer. I have contributed a bit here at riu, and gotten back invaluable help ten times over what I was able to give. Being a part of this brotherhood of growers, any one of whom has a superior moral compass the the thugs who play at protecting the public, has been one of the best experiences of my life.

Thank you all, and good luck.

I fucken hate people who cant keep there damn mouth shut about others having a weed growing in the closet or whatever. It doesnt concern them at all, im sorry this happened to you bro but hopefully everything works out for you in the end. Dont forget all the good times growing:joint:..... Hate seeing this happen to a fellow grower


Well-Known Member
My heart goes out to you Flash. What a tragedy: painful for you, and a waste of law enforcement money/effort. I hope you get great legal advice and that the fuzz fucked up some technicality that clears the charges.

Thank you for sharing your experience for others to learn from.


Well-Known Member
That very sad, no man that has been on this earth aslong as yourself should be told what to do never mind be punished for growing a harmless helpfull herb, so sorry mate i hope theres still some way you can get an odd smoke

grandpa 1949

Well-Known Member
First let me say I'm 62 and I hate that this has happened to you.
Next let me say as you said, NEVER TELL ANYBODY what you are doing. NOBODY.
Here's wishing you luck in the outcome. Grandpa


Active Member
Sorry to hear Flash. Keep your head up just remember loose lips sinks ships mate. You'll get though this.


Active Member
Thanks for all the heartfelt support, my brethren. I have a competent lawyer, and it's possible the cops screwed up when they tore up my home and terrorized my family. I'm cautiously hopeful, and thank god I'm able to conduct a defense from the sunny side of the Greybar Hotel.

It's Florida, and it's a felony with a possible 5-year bit. Realistically, I should be able to stay out of prison. Worst case, I'm kept from raising my 10-year-old son due to incarceration. Financially, after legal fees & court costs, it's already a disaster. Even without jail the future is pretty grim. Ironic, since the only reason for doing this in the first place was to help ameliorate the ravages of the economic Pearl Harbor we're going through.

I'll post any significant changes, and in the meantime I take great comfort from the support of my riu friends.

And it can't be said often enough, LOOSE LIPS SINK SHIPS. Don't share info about your grow with anyone. I don't know who ratted me out or why, but it wouldn't have happened if I'd just used some common sense and kept my mouth shut.

As a footnote, please forgive me for stretching the rules a bit, but the way the law works here is they just take away the vegetation and do their best to render the setup inoperable - but since they're idiots, they left just about everything functional or easily repaired. If you live in the Tampa Bay area of Florida, check out my Craigslist ad . I really want to get this stuff gone, and anything I can get to help with legal costs will help.

Again, thanks to all and good luck in your DISCRETE and harmless hobby.



Active Member
i'm fucking speechless.................strength to you and yours.
Thanks, Scrog. We'll get through it one way or another. I just don't get why they're spending the time and resources on a little home grow when we are in the nation's leading area of pill mills and other life-destroying operations. They want to look like they just got Walter White and busted the super-lab, and all they've got is a grandpa trying to get through a very grim retirement. Latest news, I just got fired, but I was going to get out anyway in a couple of months. They just can't help themselves from pissing on some poor bastard they've already beaten to shit.

I keep a happy face on for the sake of my wife & kids. They have no idea what a world of shit we're really in.

But like Kermit says, it's not easy being green:smile:



Well-Known Member
Flash, I feel you, and im terribly sorry about the situation when its come to the family. I cannot imagine to knowing that my family will be at the shelter because of my mistake...but hope the God will take care of you and family real good.

I appreicate for your sharing with us and stay stronger as always ! thanks.

Good luck.


That's terrible. I don't know how people like that can live with themselves. Go into someones house, destroy things, turn their lives upside down, just leave and collect a check from the person they just fucked... It makes me sick.

Thanks for sharing. It's a good reminder. Good luck man.


Active Member
I'm more speechless that you put that shit on craigslist after the cops were there and trashed the place. Amazing.
Hey, why not? They got what they wanted (some uprooted plants), and left the rest. It ain't like there's anything to hide. I have a perfectly legal right to sell my own possessions. Plus, I kind of like the idea of recovering a few bucks when they thought they were doing an Untouchables number on my home. The morons put a few slashes in the tents and cut a few wires - everything is perfectly good with some minor repairs. Just not in my house!


Well-Known Member
Hey, why not? They got what they wanted (some uprooted plants), and left the rest. It ain't like there's anything to hide. I have a perfectly legal right to sell my own possessions. Plus, I kind of like the idea of recovering a few bucks when they thought they were doing an Untouchables number on my home. The morons put a few slashes in the tents and cut a few wires - everything is perfectly good with some minor repairs. Just not in my house!
Not that, I understand funds recovery. I question the text in your craigslist ad, where you sound like a stoner who just got popped by the cops. Not exactly low key, which was the point of the thread, I thought. :) :)


Active Member
IF there getting you for growing. Wouldn't all you stuff be in police evidence lock up?
Nope. They explained that all they needed to take was the actual vegetation, get photos of the op, and render it unusable. It's mine to dispose of. Fortunately, they didn't have the wit to seriously damage the good stuff - put slashes in the tents and cut some wires. With a few wire nuts and some duct tape it's ready to start growing some nice organic strawberries......


Well-Known Member
Nope. They explained that all they needed to take was the actual vegetation, get photos of the op, and render it unusable. It's mine to dispose of. Fortunately, they didn't have the wit to seriously damage the good stuff - put slashes in the tents and cut some wires. With a few wire nuts and some duct tape it's ready to start growing some nice organic strawberries......
Actually, its not yours to dispose of. Once used illegally, its also a felony to sell the used equipment. Might wanna check on that. :)


Well-Known Member
being as you have a clean record and all the other factors...age, dependants, etc. Your lawyer should be able to bargain down to simple possession...which may mean probation and a fine. In AZ, growing constitutes mfg narcotics, which is an automatic felony...regardless of quantity. Unless they REALLY want you, you'll be fine. Just keep your head and don't do anything stupid....and DO NOT TALK TO ANYONE ABOUT THIS!!!! ....."they" are listening.