Adjustable Bottom Drain Hempy Bucket Bin/Tray thing

Missouri Green

Active Member
Watering every day is just too much work!!!! so i've designed a Hempy Bucket Bin .... with an adjustable height bottom drain and a visual water level indicator. I know, I know, its not a Hempy and keep it simple stupid! but.... this solves several issues for me. I typically run 1 plant at a time but could possibly run up to 6 in my custom wooden grow cabinet, main chamber 20" deep 30" wide 36" tall with 12" of space under the plants (run off capture, air intake and electronics) and something like 24" over (light,carbon filter, and 6" can fan, air exhaust) for a grand total height of roughly 6 ft give or take. my "pot" is a large black Homedepot HDX polypropylene bin cut down to 8 inches tall 15x24 footprint... Thats roughly 12 gallons and its technically too big for the size plants i grow and i probably didn't have to water every day for my last cycle ...but even every other day is too much and Im shooting for watering ONCE a WEEK!!!! however my Hempy is wide and shallow so figuring out the water height is going to be SO much easier with an adjustable drain.... If my plants are getting too much water i can lower the reservoir height and i can even lower the drain to empty the whole reservoir if i want.... leaving perhaps 1/4 inch in the bottom max... its also going to be much easier to get a complete refresh of the system and to dial things in having the ability to adjust the drain height within the "Hempy" and if i ever wanted to automate I PROBABLY won't have to deal with drain clogging issues.
The drain not clogging was the biggest technical issue here but also having an adjustable drain without it leaking is also important

the secret sauce to make this work is
1) Drain filter in this case a 32 oz cold brew filter , siliconed down over the adjustable drain. the filter will be buried just over its top... pot is only 8" tall and this filter is 6" tall , so it will end up roughly 1" under the surface. I have two 10" x 15" x 2" tall plastic food trays with evenly space 1/16" holes drilled for even water distrubution when watering by hand that will sit either side of the plant ... if the drain does "silt up" i can always douse the outer casing from above... but i really don't expect this to clog up. may also add a fabric pot outer sleeve to the filter as an extra measure of safety.. probably ziptied on just like the pen filter.
2) The Drain, in this case a 3/4 npt cable gland with 1/2" poly tubing !!! FTW . adjustment is as simple as loosening the nut and adjusting the drain tube up and down. this size seemed like a good fit for me.
3) Water height indicator .... again not getting clogs is important, though i guess you could blow into the tube to clear clogs..too much work and too fiddly. here i've run a pen casing over a table saw several times with blade set about 1/16th high . then covered all the slots with heavy duty window screen and ziptied it in place, then attached to 1/4 inch ID clear vinyl hose which will be run through a hole at the bottom and side of the reservoir. Hole is going to be approx 5/16" to make a nice tight seal on the 6/16ths or 3/8" OD of the hose. no leaks this way but i will probably silicone inside and out just for safety's sake as this hole is at the bottom of the res.. which is a little scary in a wood cab but pretty sure I won't leak here. the remainder of the clear tube will run up the side of the bin and allow me to quickly see water levels in the res.

I've got a few holes to drill and some caulking to do before this is up and running but should work well. perlite in the bottom 4" or so and perlite coco on top half ... excited at the prospect of only watering once a week... may or may not work but I'm optimistic.

-sleepless in missouri

well this was an Idea that didn't get me the 1 week without watering ... i went max 2-3 days but typically checked in once a day. plant was allowed to get larger than the last maybe too large (this strain was a first time grow for me...), with too many colas but live and learn, hopefully i make it to harvest without mold as humidity is starting to rise here. i've got lots of ventilation and fans so i should be OK
also the adjustable bottom drain wasn't really necessary and i didn't use it that much even when running large quantities of water through to make "adjustments" to PH and PPM... i just used the 1/4" indicator hose on the front.. makes the project simpler and cheaper in the end. all in all I loved having the extra nutrient in the bottom... there are about 2 inches of perlite down there... the plant seemed to like being fed right to the top of the perlite and left for a day... usually the plant took 1/2 gallon a day roughly... because im cramped on space and typically have lots of tie wires around the edge of the pot, i like to use "watering trays" with a bunch of 1/16 " holes that i can just pour nutrient into from the front edge and have it distribute evenly across the surface of the coco ... i can store a rag and a quart mason jar (for the water) on top of one tray and a plastic shoe box for trimmings on the other when i pack up and close the cabinet .... very handy and helps keep the humidity down as well. i think im two weeks out in this pic... starting the flush now. Bomb Seeds "atomic"

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