Adjustable light wattage


Hello guys I have 4 1000w dehps dimmable lights for my flower room, when I first am flipping them to 12/12 from 24 I have them all on 600w to save energy since 1000w would be wasted at this stage but when should I adjust them up each wattage I believe my light goes 600w 750w 875w and 1000w I might be a little off on those numbers since I'm not near my girls right now but they are close to that.

Tldr when can a flowering plant use all 1000w of dehps efficiently


Well-Known Member
Doesn't it depend @nathanpunk on things like how high above your plants can you hang your lights for starters? Distance from plants, temperatures you create with those lights and how close they can be, just so many variables. How big is the room, what's the ventilation like, on-and-on.

You are talking 4, 1000-watt HPS bulbs, right? That's a lot of light, and a lot of heat??


Doesn't it depend @nathanpunk on things like how high above your plants can you hang your lights for starters? Distance from plants, temperatures you create with those lights and how close they can be, just so many variables. How big is the room, what's the ventilation like, on-and-on.

You are talking 4, 1000-watt HPS bulbs, right? That's a lot of light, and a lot of heat??
Room is 12x12 and all my environmental controls are good and my lights are a constant 4' from the canopy I guess I may have worded my question poorly I'm sick and got a fuzzy brain right now but can a fresh flowering plant benefit from 1000w more than it can benefit from 600w or should I scale up my watts as the plant grows?


Well-Known Member
Well just my two cents I've only got a couple runs under similar lights and space, but I leave at 600 to 700 to veg, 800-900 for first week, then try to be at 1000 by week 2 and after that I go up even higher to 1100-1150 til then end then work back down to 900-1000 for last couple weeks. I have a digital controller that sets my lights where ever so no dial to twist to certain presets(600,850,ect.)like yours but u can just use the closest equivlancy. I try to keep lights right at 3 ft off the canopy but my room is just a tad smaller than yours so you might benefit from raising them for better spread just depends on your canopy size. This works great for me. Make sure u have a high temp shut off for your lights, mine dims then if temp continues to climb they shut off.