Hello everybody. This is my first post here, so I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Davey, and I'm 20 years old. About a week ago today, I bought 2 grams of nugget off of my friend. After he had weighed it out, I packed a bowl at my buddies house. I took the first hit, and noticed a feeling in my throat as if I had inhaled still-lit ashes. He has a regular spoon-type bowl, so I had just thought the smoke was too hot (I use a bubbler, so I don't get too hot of smoke). After awhile I developed a headache, apparently they didn't, because they had smoked more after this. The next morning I woke up, packed & smoked a bowl, and got a very faint headache as well, thought I cannot directly link this to the bud, because I do suffer from pollen allergies and those FSC cigarettes (Fire Safe) give me headaches all the time. Using my bubbler, I did not notice that "lit ash" feeling in my throat, & there was nothing "grit like" in the water after smoking. Later on that night, I inspected the bud to be sure it wasn't tainted. I broke up a bud to roll a joint, and noticed a very slight crystalline substance on my computer desk as I was breaking the bud up. Fearing that it was "grit weed" I read up on some ways to identify this. I licked my finger, dabbed it in some of the kief & "ground it" between my front teeth. I did not notice a "grit" feel by any means, it was soft & left almost a sticky coating on the teeth that I had ground it on. The taste of the kief was similiar to the smell of the bud, but something I couldn't really identify (I've never tasted kief before this). After finishing breaking up the bud, I also rolled the residue left on my fingers and it had rolled up into little "hash balls". I could not identify anything strange in the taste. The buds were dense, & also had a faint chlorophyll scent, almost "earthy". I also inspected the buds closely with a magnifying glass, and could not notice anything out of the ordinary. Ever since finishing it, I have been searching online non-stop about adulterated cannabis and have become seriously concered about this, and my health going forward. Crystalline Silica being my biggest worry, after reading up on the effects of it in the lungs (Silicosis) it seriously has me to the point I struggle to go to sleep worrying if it was in the bud, or if another harmful substance had been in it. I suffer from OCD, so I don't know if I'm over worrying, or if I have legitimate cause for concern. I have noticed a slight weakness in my chest, but again I smoke about a pack a day, so it may, or may not be directly related to the bud; or if it may even be a psychosomatic effect. I did not take photos, the only camera I have is my iPhone & it just wouldn't be detailed enough to do any type of justice. In everyones' honest opinion, do you think what I smoked had been adulterated in any way? I consider myself a seasoned smoker, I have smoked Marijuana since I was about 13. Like I said, I don't know it's it just my OCD, but something about this has me hung-up. While we were hanging out at my buddies, a girl I know came through & had also purchased some of the same bud. I plan on contacting her & asking if she had any problems, or noticed something different herself. What's everyones' opinion on all of this? I'm also from the Northeast, Pennsylvania area if anyone was wondering. Thank you so much for reading/responding. I would be able to sleep much easier hearing others opinions. Thanks guys - Davey.