Advance Or cyco?


My supplier is starting to phase out advance and is trying to sell me on this cyco fertilizer. What do y'all think I should do


Well-Known Member
My supplier is starting to phase out advance and is trying to sell me on this cyco fertilizer. What do y'all think I should do
I only see cyco in one grow shop here in Phoenix I never even heard of it until recently, its cheaper isnt it ?


Well-Known Member
Cyco products are great and you cannot go wrong with them. To me advance is just a trashy company that talks a lot of shit. I've heard nothing but good things about Cyco.


Ohhhh yeah! Cyco is alot cheaper $10-13 a quart compared to advance connosuirre $45 a quart. And I use all there nutes so it gets expensive. I want to get the best product I can for my girls. I have always had great Luck with AN but it is not going to be around anymore, at least within 80 miles of here( which is how far I drive now for supplies). So should I go cyco or is there something better that I should try? Thank you for everyones input.


Well-Known Member
Ohhhh yeah! Cyco is alot cheaper $10-13 a quart compared to advance connosuirre $45 a quart. And I use all there nutes so it gets expensive. I want to get the best product I can for my girls. I have always had great Luck with AN but it is not going to be around anymore, at least within 80 miles of here( which is how far I drive now for supplies). So should I go cyco or is there something better that I should try? Thank you for everyones input.
I'm using House and Garden Coco A and Coco B plus the rest of their line. They do make a Hydro A and Hydro B plus the rest of their line. It will cost you about 300 dollars for the entire line, its good stuff too, if not go with Cyco and let us know.


You will not be disappointed with Cyco products..... the only additive I use with it is Liquid Karma..... Dial down if you are not using R/O water and peat or coco coir.... if using city water and organic soil, I would reduce to halg strength... but you should be serious enough to be using RO water and Promix or sunshine #4 or hydro/aero of course if you are already serious enough to be considering Cyco products. but use all cyco line.... A and B, B1 boost, uptake, zyme, silica, potash plus, swell, sugarush, ryzofuel, and dr repair. Use them all! you won't regret it!


As time has passed I have tried AN and cycho. I love both but the price of AN is not worth any extra I spent. So cycho it is for me


New Member
It's always the noobs that talk shit bout other products.
No theres always Chucky too!

I would say it's always the noobs that fall for the shit that advanced pushes.
See what I mean!

Use what is available, if you like a certain product use it but don't let anyone tell you you can't grow with this or that is shit, everyone has products they like and ones they don't. I use AN because I like the results and also understand the science behind it.

Do a little research on the subject and don't listen to bumbling idiots and haters.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
No theres always Chucky too!

See what I mean!

Use what is available, if you like a certain product use it but don't let anyone tell you you can't grow with this or that is shit, everyone has products they like and ones they don't. I use AN because I like the results and also understand the science behind it.

Do a little research on the subject and don't listen to bumbling idiots and haters.
been ignoring you, I'm gonna try and continue, so please, Ignore me and don't quote me. I'm sticking with my view that AN is for NOOBS that don't know better, you Keep getting your paycheck from them and let's leave it at that.
Alright I was thinking about using connseuir a and b and switch out bloom a and b (USA) cyco nutes because its fucking advanced nutrients and cyco basically stole there recipes from advanced to save money this run and second to do a little experiment and see what happens to my babies .....any thoughts would be cool:leaf::wall:


Well-Known Member
cycos great..buttt....theres so many products to their line,that it can become a little pricey,especially if your running a few seperate rez's... im thinkingthe dutch master gold line may be better price/product....meh,it all depends on your needs/grow style
cycos great..buttt....theres so many products to their line,that it can become a little pricey,especially if your running a few seperate rez's... im thinkingthe dutch master gold line may be better price/product....meh,it all depends on your needs/grow style
what i should have said was First off i grow in a Sea of Green style, Currently i am usuing the whole line of Cyco Addatives with the trio of primordial solutions and the results are appearing efficient. Now ive only heard good things about advanced nutrients connoisseur A + B. Advanced claims that these 2 bottles will increase your harvest by 30% (Not to mention that they are PH Perfect) My idea is to switch out the base Cyco Bloom A + B (American No pgrs) with the Connoisseur A + B. Cyco is a pharmaceutical grade nutrient so switching the bloom bottles could potentially increase yield while keeping some good quality.... thoughts are appreciated​

Happy Growing


what do you mean by they stole there recipes i dont follow ?
Ive never tried advance nutes but use cyco nutes there full range i switched over from canna because there prices were getting out of control.
cyco zyme is not as good as canna ive found you have to use alot more to get the sames results but every thing else is fine.
i tried there flower A flower B (pgr) works great cuts down on flower time but cuts the resin production which sucks balls.


Well-Known Member
My thing is any line will work good if u know how to use it. I've seen some beautiful gardens grown with advanced and cyco and many other lines.