Advanced Grow Room Reults

I have just built a new grow room with one goal in mind. HIGH QUALITY MEDS! It took nearly a hundred thousand dollars, and seven months to construct. Here are pics of the room and results from the first grow. The room consists of 9 lights total. There are 4 1000w HPS and 5 of the new 1250w Stealth LEDs. As well as all the other equipment that was installed including a Co2 burner, dehumidifier, air conditioners, brain, moving racks for lights, watering system, etc. This is my VERY FIRST grow though I have studied cultivating for the past two years. I grew 40 Bubba Kush's, and 20 Purple Kushs, all in soil using the Advanced Nutrients recipe for a total of 11 weeks. The total yield was just over 10lbs total. We didn't hit our goal weight but our bud quality makes up for it. Flower is currently being tested for THC%, I will update you with the results when available (predicting well over 20%). My next grow I plan on doing HEADBAND... I don't know If i want to do soil again or go to a hydroponic setup. I've been looking into the new undercurrent system. I've heard great things about it.

Let me know what you think... Maybe some advice for higher yields? Thanks

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Active Member
looks like a legit setup :clap:
if you want to save money on nutes look into Dyna-Grow.
very, very jelous.

PS posting the same thread twice is a no-no, shhhhh dont tell the mods:-P