Advanced Nutrients, help?

I haven't started growing yet, but I'm looking into nutes, plannin' for tomorrow, and I can't help but ponder a few questions...

Which ones are the best? :dunce:
Is the Connoisseur A+B really worth it? bongsmilie
Can the Beneficial bacteria and the beneficial fungi be used together?

What are some nutes that feed the beneficial bacteria/fungi? or, what is their "upkeep"?

Any person who has had ANY experience with advanced nutes, or maybe even a cheaper alternative with similar results, or any comments on this will be helpful.

Thanks in advance. :bigjoint:

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
what is best is really up to interpretation. I never used AN but they are pretty pricy online you can get much better prices than local shops it seems all my shops are double than tax. Anyways I'm sure it's good fertilizer and maybe will increase your yeilds vs another cheaper fert but you have to decide if it's worth it using your budget and your grow in mind. As far as feeding the benefivcial bacteria and microorganisms I think that's what molasses is for. I really never used that either but I've read a bit about it and people seem to swear by it. I would check out the blue mtn organics
they seem very reasonable and their products have everything you need. Not sure if these can be used in a hydroponic garden or if your doing soil.
Hello there, yes Connoisseur A&B is definitely worth it. Alot of people hate on AN because of their marketing techniques, prices, fancy packaging etc. I however, run the full AN line for flower with a few other products and I am utterly pleased with the results. My first grow I had 8 hydro plants that were mostly sativa dominant (southern lights, f.o.g., blue widow, super cannalope) with 2 600 watt HIDs (seed to harvest took 90 days, 75 for flower, 15 for veg) and I achieved .85 grams per watt of some grade A sativa bud. ANs products are expensive but they perform, and you can run them half strength so it works out in the end. All you need is an air stone to oxygenate the water (temp of water should be 60-70'F) and this will keep your beneficial bacteria/fungi alive and happy. And, yes it ok to run the beneficial bacterias/fungis simultaneously. My AN line consists of..Connoisseur A&B, H-1, F-1, Sensizym, Bud Candy, Big Bud, Bud Blood, Bud Factor X, Voodoo Juice, Piranha, Tarantula, B-52, Mother Earth Tea, Nirvana Overdrive,and Final Phase. Bud Factor X provides beneficial microbes which increase essential oil production and the smell of your bud becomes ultra potent. Voodoo Juice is my favorite out of the AN line because it lets your plants root mass develop quickly and abundantly by providing a complex mycorrhizal mixture. I also use a product called Great White Shark that uses a combination of mycorrhizae, beneficial bacteria, trichoderma, and plant vitamins that gives your plants a strong, well-developed root system. Strong healthy roots greatly increase your plants ability to break down and absorb nutrients more efficiently and effectively. Piranha is a beneficial fungi that colonizes root zones and plant surfaces with eight species of trichoderma and 18 species of endomycorrhizal and ectomycorrhizal fungi. The result is bigger root zones and increased yield, and also protection from diseases nematodes (I use it as a foliar spray to prevent powdery mildew and pythium). Tarantula is a beneficial bacteria that contains 57 types of microscopic organisms that colonize plant roots and leaves to guard against hostile bacteria and fungi attack. Hoped this helped--TheWeedBaron