Advanced nutrients low P.H.


Hi all

I've seen a few posts out there talking about advanced nutrients can be absorbed between ph 4 and 8 is this correct. my ph keeps dropping to 4.8 using whilst slightly increasing ec.

Sensi a + b 1.25ml
Senzizym 0.5
Rhino 0.5
Bud candy 0.5
Big bud 0.5
B52 0.5

Basically my question is am I using too many nutrients?

Is the a + b being absorbed but leaving the rest behind.

Anyway thanks in advance if any1 ever experienced this before it would be a massive help
Hi all

I've seen a few posts out there talking about advanced nutrients can be absorbed between ph 4 and 8 is this correct. my ph keeps dropping to 4.8 using whilst slightly increasing ec.

Sensi a + b 1.25ml
Senzizym 0.5
Rhino 0.5
Bud candy 0.5
Big bud 0.5
B52 0.5

Basically my question is am I using too many nutrients?

Is the a + b being absorbed but leaving the rest behind.

Anyway thanks in advance if any1 ever experienced this before it would be a massive help
If ec is increasing, you should feed less.
I agree with above, if ec is going up and ph is falling, feed less. Now that doesnt mean make the same solution and give less. It means drop some of those nutrients or additives you're mixing. When its feeding day just use the A+b. On regular water days, or if in hydro, give a couple of the others you listed, on other days to break up how many you are using at a time. It also depends on the size of the plants and how many watts being used. Hope you work it out. Cheers