advanced nutrients perfect ph


Active Member
I got it in Canada b4 it was released to the us like right when it came out. It's not ph perfect in hydro just soil supposedly. I called advanced nutes up and bitched and they told me it should b ok still even if the ph is outa whack then they tried to sell me water. They told me I could get a refund. Gay. It still needs adjustment. So sorry to smash ur hopes but it's no did price than the reg formula hope I can help
My understanding/experience is that the product does mix to a perfect ph 5.8 to 6.3 but this also depends on if your using RO water and have the right mixing ratio. Such as 1/2 base and 3/4 additive mix would give you 6.0 where as a 1/2 base & 1/2 additive mix would give you the perfect 5.8 or if you dare go by the calculator and use the label suggested dosage to start off, you would also get the 5.8......In my opinion this product is best suited for soil or soilless meduims that are on drip or hand fed irrigation system where plant uptake isn't affecting the ratio. My thought behind this is that if the nutrients always have to be in a specific ratio and if your using a system such DWC you would not know how much nutrients the plant will take in from one day to the next. This inturn leads to ph spikes rather than your normal ph drift. This spike vs. drift is a theory that im working on concluding hopefully sooner than later...= )> The reps say you have to use the whole line up for it to work but what else would you expect them to say....

A wise man once said to me...pass the "J" bogartin... but then after that he said...In the end the plants will tell you what they need if you just pay close enough attention.


Active Member
I have the whole lineup, so that theory is out the window. But I'm going to try it with no adjustment in rdwc system this time regardless of ph.
Hey Monk ...Let me know how it goes w/ the rdwc. I am always looking for ways to improve. The day after res change I get the 6 to 9pnt ph increase but after res top off you see it start to balance out again to 5.8. This is my first time using ph perfect and dwc but my bush is singing and doing the happy of luck

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results"!


New Member
I use it and never check my ph anymore. I order it on ebay as I am in US. Stuff is strong but if you go with the "less is more" adage you will be fine.

I use it in bucket DWC.

The PH will be 5.6 to 6.x and all in between. Just let it go.. you will be fine, *UNLESS* you use additives that are NOT PH perfect then you need to adjust to 5.6--5.8 as they will not absorb through the ph scale like the AN stuff. I use cal-mag and hydroplex and thats when I monitor it and usually when i get it too 5.6 its rock solid.


New Member
Here is just one of my Bubblegum plants that I have never adjusted PH just kept ppms in check according to uptake. Every leaf is perfect and healthy, and plant is a beast at 35 days.

I never gone above 250 in veg and 450 in flower and get monster results. Love PH Perfect.

Hiya BBCheese... what base vs additive ratio are you mixing and are you using the whole line up? Your plants look really great, how tall are they? Are you saying you only using 450 ppm in flower? Oh and those roots look magnificent! Are you using H2o2 or bennies? Im suprised the nutes aren't coloring your roots more... Sorry for the 20 questions ..gotta dig to get to the details..= )


New Member
Hiya BBCheese... what base vs additive ratio are you mixing and are you using the whole line up? Your plants look really great, how tall are they? Are you saying you only using 450 ppm in flower? Oh and those roots look magnificent! Are you using H2o2 or bennies? Im suprised the nutes aren't coloring your roots more... Sorry for the 20 questions ..gotta dig to get to the details..= )
Hey brother ask away... I am here because I went through it all and had massive issues with DWC until I dialed it in.

Here is my soup recipe in vegetation and flower.

Vegetation (I usually veg until the plant is about 12-15 inches tall).

I monitor my plants daily for ppm changes so it varies per plant. I start at about 50 ppm for seedlings/cuttlings until they have like 4 or 5 true nodes. Then it goes to 100 - 150 - 200 to 250 usually max until I flower, I usually up it per week depending on what ppm's read. As you know different strains require different nute ratios.

What I use:

RO Water (10ppm start)
Advanced Nutrients A+B Sensi Grow (PH Perfect Blossom bottle)
Botanicare Cal-Mag
Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice
Botanicare Aqua Shield

I use beneficial bacteria all through vegetation. I tried H2O2 and Zone through vegetation while it worked but the roots really need beneficial bacteria I noticed, the roots get so much bigger, abundant and whiter with beneficial bacteria vs not having it in vegetation. I stop the beneficial in flower and switch to Zone and little H2O2 for flower for remainder of the plants life.

I do have AN B-52, Hygrozyme, Super Thrive to name a few other additives I used that worked but didn't give the results I was looking for. I think I pretty much tried everything trying to figure out DWC from Stinkbud system. One thing I did learn and it is gospel now is "Less is More" and I was killing my plants with the AN Sensi using way too much, I mean nothing even remotely close to what they were saying on their nute calculator. This is *NOT* a bad thing though as I use less and still see GREAT results.

Flowering (Plants are usually 36-48" tall - the bubblegum in picture is about 42" tall and still growing a bit at little over 30 days flowering. I have yet to go over 450ppm in flower although many others use greater ppm effectively my plants would look great at high ppm's then begin to stop growing and eventually start to stunt and stop growing. The plants looked great (no leaf burn) but the roots were never nice and white and full, they were getting burnt and dying thus stopping growth. I kept dropping the ppms till the plants roots stayed nice, white and growing which seemed like a ridiculously low amount but it works and works awesome.

Flower soup:

Advanced Nutes Sensi Bloom (PH Perfect Blossom bottle)
Dutchmasters Zone Gold
Botanicare Cal-Mag
Advanced Nutes Big Bud / Botanicare Hydroplex (still working on which one I like better)

The ppm in flower is 400-450 most of the time monitored daily and adjusted.

I change my buckets out when I think they need it, sometimes weekly and sometimes monthly. I keep everything clean and adjusted so it's never been an issue yet. Ya with the lower ppms the roots don't get colored and even higher ppm with advanced it doesn't discolor too much. Bene's are gone at this point and its only Zone (awesome product for DWC) and the nutes from here on out. I add the bud boosters in week 3 and 5 of flowering usually.


Active Member
I use it and never check my ph anymore. I order it on ebay as I am in US. Stuff is strong but if you go with the "less is more" adage you will be fine.

I use it in bucket DWC.

The PH will be 5.6 to 6.x and all in between. Just let it go.. you will be fine, *UNLESS* you use additives that are NOT PH perfect then you need to adjust to 5.6--5.8 as they will not absorb through the ph scale like the AN stuff. I use cal-mag and hydroplex and thats when I monitor it and usually when i get it too 5.6 its rock solid.
Couldn't have said it better myself.

I'm not using the PH Perfect lineup right now, but it's been awesome when I have. No problems AT ALL with pH. Really. I just set it and forget it. LOL

Really, if you're having troubles with it, you might want to look at the additives you're using in your MMJ grow or other factors in your grow room that might be causing troubles with things.
Great info BBC and very much like I am running but im running a lot higher ppm. I kept reading the plant and it just kept asking for more and more but im at what i consider max ppm now (1400) in wk5 and the only thing iv encountered is some Cal deff. So dialed down the ppm on the additive side to incorporate more Botan Cal/Mag. I really want to back off the Cal/Mag though because i dont really want the additional "N".

I think my two main areas for improvement are:
My transition from Veg to flower & making the perfect top off solution. Not to say my top off technique is not working but judging by your low ppm there has to be more to learn in this area.

Sry i had written all my detials three other times but lost everything i typed. Still learning all the tool functions so ill have to take the time and try it once more later.


Well-Known Member
It really does work the way they say it does.

I was pretty optimistic going in but I was a little skeptical too. But it totally lives up to the hype and I can't imagine going back to checking pH all the time, adjusting constantly... just a ton of unnecessary work.

Mix it up and give it to the plants. So easy even a caveman can do it!


im confused by this.....

  • BBC sais The PH will be 5.6 to 6.x and all in between. Just let it go.. you will be fine, *UNLESS* you use additives that are NOT PH perfect then you need to adjust to 5.6--5.8 as they will not absorb through the ph scale like the AN stuff. I use cal-mag and hydroplex and thats when I monitor it and usually when i get it too 5.6 its rock solid.​

what exactly ar you ajusting? you said you never ajust ph.

i use ro water and add back a lil tap for the calcium and magnesium
been wantin to just use cal mag but an said it would interfere with ph ferfect but they sell a sensi cal-mag lol. im like hmm maybe there right and they dont wanna hand out there secret why theres works different? or they just wanna sell ya theres over botonicars cal mag.

so then i read where you mention if ya use non ph perfect stuff to ajust to a certain ph do you mean ajust whole res? and if so why at all not sposed to need to..AN sais its absorbing nutes at proper rate sand ratios regardless of what ph meter sais. another item im not sure if i wanna believe but who knows.

so are ya adding cal mag to water....ajusting that water..... then adding yer AN ph perfect items?

help me understand what im missing thx