advanced nutrients sensi parta & b ? plz any advancd nutrients masters


Active Member
hi im sorry to bother you but i just got sensi grow part a 3.7-0-0 & b 2.5-2.2-5.7 advanced nutrients and miracle grow miracid 30-10-10, do i need both for growth stage or should i just use the sensi part a&b. i wasnt sure if the whole 3.7-0-0 and 30-10-10 matters, i mean is the cheap miracle grow better in n-p-k than the expensive Advanced nutrients or is the sensi just for the plant to grow up healthy other than bigger do to low n-p-k i mean if you have 100-10-10 or 10-1-1, is it the same thing or what. which is stronger the miracle grow 30-10-10 or the other part a&b. i guess what is bothering me is the whole n-p-k situation, i need to know if i need both or would i be fine with my part a& b. thank for advice bro.
yep the AN a&b is good stuff and it will give your girl all they will need. jsut make sure not to over do it. start at 600ppm and work your way up from there i would not go more then 1600ppm
no need to go past 900 even. AN is really concentrated. With GH you could easily go to 1600. All you need is 5ml of and a and b. Sortve low on P though, so some sortve PK booster would help.
Only the sensi bro. Be careful thats potent too and you'll burn super quick. Start small work up to what she's happy with
Hi Guys, New to growing and a bit confused on the ppm thing have no ppm metre is there anyother way to measure out my nuits gonna use sensi one concentrate grow and bloom usung a NFT set up thanks all