Advanced Nutrients = waste of money.


Active Member
I just recently finished my first cycle with my new line of advanced nutrients that were so GRACIOUSLY RECOMMENDED to me. And I have to say... The cost (500 us dollars+) , plus intensive labor of having too add so much to my water on a constant basis was way not worth it. This is the LOWEST yield i have ever got, although it is of good quality. Takin it simple this time. ( dyna-gro grow, bloom, pro-tek, mag-pro, k-l-n, and some gravity)

beginning to think less is definitely more.
Its just a weed
i would never put myself on a feeding schedule like the crazy people at advanced nutrients recommend to our GIRLS, and i am beginning to think A N are just a huge money plot with fancy names and advertising, and shitty product. I just wanna grow!

Uncle Pirate

Active Member
Almost their whole lineup is geared toward noobs that think they need 8 bottles of snake oil on top of the base, and some crazy feeding chart to grow bomb weed. It also makes them feel like they're doing some serious scientific shit measuring and mixing all that shit. "Look at my feeding chart isn't it impressive?" Not to mention how crazy expensive all that shit is. But hey, they gotta pay for the High Times ads and the shills on the forums.


New Member
Welcome to the circle , there are thousands of happy customers and thousands of pissed off ones as well .. I stay neutral but I dont waste money on there products either


Active Member
LESS IS MORE. I am done with advanced nutes. I understand people can twerk the feeding chart to where they are pushing out good product, and yield. However. Im not falling for their overpriced (basic nutes) ever... Ever. Again


Well-Known Member
Yeah. Idk. Even their macro additives (grow micro bloom) are shitty to work with. CHUCK what is your opinion of dyna gro.?
You screwed something up so now you're blaming the nutrients, right? Because you didn't grow a load of kickass shit just to get on and bitch about the nutes that helped you do that. No you fucked something up and are looking for something or somebody to blame for your lack of, well, probably a lot. Just an old man guessing. But guessing right. You spent a bunch of money and believed the hype. Then when you got average results you felt gypped and lied to. Poor is the carpenter that blames his tools.


New Member
If you have hundreds to throw away and like commercialism at its finest then go buy the GrandMaster Bundle .. Me I ll use cutting edges 3 part along with Maxi grow and bloom .. I could care less what others use or claim superior , in the end I save hundreds and it all works to my advantage


Well-Known Member
Go look at my garden and tell me advanced is a waste of money! I yielded about 6 oz a plant and this was 5 plants in a 5x5 area! My buddy grew the same exact cuts with different nutrients and yielded closer to 4 oz less resinated and he had more room than 5x5... I yielded almost 10 more ounces! To those who think its snake oil! Sorry your broke and can't afford the start up cost, but it comes back to you! If you know how to use it! Sorry for your luck but your wrong!

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Yeah. Idk. Even their macro additives (grow micro bloom) are shitty to work with. CHUCK what is your opinion of dyna gro.?
Don't use it myself, but know a lot of people who use it with great success. it is the only company to post ALL that goes into it. A no frills nute.


Active Member
Go look at my garden and tell me advanced is a waste of money! I yielded about 6 oz a plant and this was 5 plants in a 5x5 area! My buddy grew the same exact cuts with different nutrients and yielded closer to 4 oz less resinated and he had more room than 5x5... I yielded almost 10 more ounces! To those who think its snake oil! Sorry your broke and can't afford the start up cost, but it comes back to you! If you know how to use it! Sorry for your luck but your wrong!
I am uninformed is all, if you would, please layout your general feeding plan so i can have a good idea what works for you? Im just trying to learn.


Well-Known Member
Fertilizer is frigging fertilizer. The differences are the buffers, the bottles and dilutions. The salts these nutes are made from probably all come from a very limited number of manufacturers and distributors. Like Intel processors.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Go look at my garden and tell me advanced is a waste of money! I yielded about 6 oz a plant and this was 5 plants in a 5x5 area! My buddy grew the same exact cuts with different nutrients and yielded closer to 4 oz less resinated and he had more room than 5x5... I yielded almost 10 more ounces! To those who think its snake oil! Sorry your broke and can't afford the start up cost, but it comes back to you! If you know how to use it! Sorry for your luck but your wrong!
Nutes do not a great grower make. That's a compliment if you don't get it. I't probably was a combination of other things that got you different results. Growing skills and environment are the first to come to mind. I bet if you learned that you could do the same at half the cost for nutes, you would be all over it.


Active Member
I am uninformed is all, if you would, please layout your general feeding plan so i can have a good idea what works for you? Im just trying to learn.
And im far from broke my friend, just cuz i have money doesnt mean i want to spend 1000's + on advanced nutrients grand master bundle, without seeing a well formulated plan that has been proven to work

Uncle Pirate

Active Member
Just use the base and save some $$. If you don't believe that other stuff is snake oil, test. I'll bet you get the same results without the b vitamins, kushie kush, and whatever else.


Active Member
Im going to give dyna grow a try and possibly use big bud, and carboload still. Not exactly sure. Need to examine the nutrient breakdown of everything. So i dont over due something with my babies!