Advanced platinum series DS400 (help with mode)


New Member
Hello RIU!!
I'm in the middle of a grow, delahaze, and about 2-3 weeks into flower. Currently using a taotronics LED, with a couple of T5's.

Thing is, I think the taotronics is kind of lacking. It was superb for veg, but seems somewhat stagnant and lackluster for bloom.

So i ordered a platinum series DS400 link:

The light has different modes by switch. Supposedly a veg mode, flower mode, and full spectrum.

Which mode should i run being 2-3 weeks into flower? Flower or full spectrum (i've read mixed opinions) thanks all, good day :)
Question from someone that HAS not purchased the product
"So are these the exact same lights as the ones sold at (Diamond Series LEDs) ? Because they appear the same but cost about 1/3 less.
Why did you guys take all your listings down on eBay?"

Answer from seller on Amazon
"Hi David.. There are some concerns with the D-word and which distributor has the lawful right to use it. To avoid conflict, we have chosen to refrain from it as the quality and integrity of the lights speak for themselves as you can see from the reviews. Yes, our lights are the original design that has been around since longer than others and with the identical spectrum and identical output as are sold elsewhere for much more. Any questions, feel free to message us directly and we would be more than happy to help or clarify anything."

get it? Same light, same effectiveness...if it doesn't have a small sticker on the side, oh well who gives a flying whoop it's the same exact thing, cheaper in price (yay me). Same parts, same quality, same build.

Pictures speak volumes though, good day all, smile!!:) seller.png
lol this guy,

all these LEDS, are manufactured in china. Some 'company' (lol) in the U.S, imports them, puts a sticker on them, makes a website, and tries to sell you something for double or triple the price. Got hosed? rofl dude you don't get it do you, stop trying so hard to be smart.

anyways thanks for the links, guess i could have gotten this LED even cheaper, alibaba is bookmarked now!!

good day:)
I can see the future now.... a post about the inefficacy of LEDs for growing marijuana from this guy.....

So, you come off as a real a-hole dude. I was just trying to let you know that you did not do enough research and you could have saved yourself some money if you really wanted that light. But, apparently you're already an expert, so I'm just sitting here wondering why you paid twice what you could have. For 800 dollars, you could have done much better.

Lastly, I'm not trying to take your money, and "Seller" is, so why would you put his words above mine? Did you notice that "seller's" response did not actually answer the questions that were asked? I have no interest but to keep a random schmuck from the internet from buying a pos. Good day to you, sir. May you not waste your money in the future.