advancing my nutrient regimen

esh dov ets

Well-Known Member
Hi. Using organic grow, bloom , micros ; doing well adding aminos , fulvic , occasionally b vitamin with iron. Want to add silica and a new source of aminos. There are some other things cannabis plants can benefit from. Keeping it organic. Researching products and sources now. Have read a few grow bookes and bibles and have some experience so if nothing else i will post what i am going to use for my next grow. Any recommendations of products or other sources for cannabis food/supplements?
Hi. Using organic grow, bloom , micros ; doing well adding aminos , fulvic , occasionally b vitamin with iron. Want to add silica and a new source of aminos. There are some other things cannabis plants can benefit from. Keeping it organic. Researching products and sources now. Have read a few grow bookes and bibles and have some experience so if nothing else i will post what i am going to use for my next grow. Any recommendations of products or other sources for cannabis food/supplements?
Sounds like you give more than enough supplements as it is.
Sounds like you give more than enough supplements as it is.
I want to make sure it gets everything it can use btwn the soil and and feeding. There are over 25 individual things n.p.k is just the start. I don't want to just get the weeds to grow . i want my herbs and veggies and buds to be all they can be. Get an edge on life ; go watch tv or something.
go watch tv or something.
Dude chill, I am trying to help, a plant only uptakes 16 or so nutrient elements, if your base nutrient does not have this then its time to get one that promotes a 'Complete Diet' and no additives are needed except maybe calcium using RO water and TV is brainwashing.
N.p.k. counted as one ect maybe. But it can use about 16 aminos not to mention each micro each vitamin each elament like sulfur and silica. Most products are product lines with mixes that can have redundant ingredients but no one or 2 products has everything i think i can get it down to bloom ,grow, micro, catalyst but i prefer more accurate control so to speak as plants need different things in different concentrations at different times in there life. Sorry i tryed to send you to you room. K peace
Dude chill, I am trying to help, a plant only uptakes 16 or so nutrient elements, if your base nutrient does not have this then its time to get one that promotes a 'Complete Diet' and no additives are needed except maybe calcium using RO water and TV is brainwashing.
Yeah i feel like i could have replied different... i wasn't sure if you where being a jerk or offering real advice so i checked out some of your other posts and saw your idiot sandwich one w chef ramsie so i asumed you where being a jerk. That show is porn for people who wana watch others get disrespected. I don't know where you where going with that but you didn't post it here so i geuss im sorry for the confusion. Peace
Yeah i feel like i could have replied different... i wasn't sure if you where being a jerk or offering real advice so i checked out some of your other posts and saw your idiot sandwich one w chef ramsie so i asumed you where being a jerk. That show is porn for people who wana watch others get disrespected. I don't know where you where going with that but you didn't post it here so i geuss im sorry for the confusion. Peace
Yea, I have no time for fools!
Kelp has aminos and B1. No other vitamins are useful to this plant.

Aminos will aid in cation exchange. Think of it as a biostimulant, not as a nutrient per se.

Kelp+ humic or fulvic to aid uptake - 5:2 ratio.

Humic good in watering, fulvic better as foliar.

Yucca as a wetting agent.

Don't know of an organic silica source. But don't be throwing in silicon - it's uselessly large and won't break down.
Kelp has aminos and B1. No other vitamins are useful to this plant.

Aminos will aid in cation exchange. Think of it as a biostimulant, not as a nutrient per se.

Kelp+ humic or fulvic to aid uptake - 5:2 ratio.

Humic good in watering, fulvic better as foliar.

Yucca as a wetting agent.

Don't know of an organic silica source. But don't be throwing in silicon - it's uselessly large and won't break down.
Great reply thanks. I think plants use vitamin c in the stems and i was thinking of minarals too but those are minarals.:joint:
Kelp has aminos and B1. No other vitamins are useful to this plant.

Aminos will aid in cation exchange. Think of it as a biostimulant, not as a nutrient per se.

Kelp+ humic or fulvic to aid uptake - 5:2 ratio.

Humic good in watering, fulvic better as foliar.

Yucca as a wetting agent.

Don't know of an organic silica source. But don't be throwing in silicon - it's uselessly large and won't break down.

Diatanatious Earth is a good organic Silica supplement.
Kelp and rock dust have a lot more than 25 minerals for plants to uptake. I always like them in my mix for the huge array of trace elements.

And worm castings feed plants a lot of useful things too. Depending on their diet.
AFAIK, DE is a large molecule which can make uptake harder than it needs to be. Plus it clumps when wet. I use it only for pest control as a top dusting.

Ok. I don't use it at all anymore as it can build up and start clumping with too much use but it still is what I said it is and and the op was wanting suggestions. It is a good product.

Personally I have stopped adding anything but good potting soil and a complete balanced fertilizer. And my results have gotten better. I am a believer in environment and proper nutrition and great genetics is all you need.
Ok. I don't use it at all anymore as it can build up and start clumping with too much use but it still is what I said it is and and the op was wanting suggestions. It is a good product.

Personally I have stopped adding anything but good potting soil and a complete balanced fertilizer. And my results have gotten better. I am a believer in environment and proper nutrition and great genetics is all you need.

My most successful customers use the fewest # of bottles, have proper grow room environments and work the same strain over and over. They do experiments on the side if they feel something might help. Now obviously having a small grow with total enviro control is a bit harder still growers should not rely in "yield in the bottle mentality" and actually learn how to garden.
My most successful customers use the fewest # of bottles, have proper grow room environments and work the same strain over and over. They do experiments on the side if they feel something might help. Now obviously having a small grow with total enviro control is a bit harder still growers should not rely in "yield in the bottle mentality" and actually learn how to garden.
That's how i want it. Just wiggling in there now. If I want to expirement it effects my main product cause thats all i have room for. I can see the benifit of always running the same strain. You can realy dial in. And if it works it works. I do need to mix it up so i don't get a tollerence or go past the ceiling period on a strain. So i am aiming at keeping 6 moms 2 in 2 s and 2 hybrids then growing 2 in 1 s 1 hy one cycle 2 s 1 in 1 hy one cycle as well as every so often doing a seed batch to create new strains and preserve genentics while i try new strains. Kinda low on space for this now so am growing to mom size taking cuttings then blooming the mom and rasing two or three cuttings to bloom repeat and am starting four strains two of each ... Trying to find the strains i want to stay with. I have 3x3 bloom and 5x3 veg. I have 4 mature strains and the 4 from seed. I will prolly not continue the sour Diesel because it gets pm easy and will cancel some of the other strains for better growers due to my space lack.