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Active Member
I might be interested in advertising on this site, depending on how things go with different threads I begin. I would like to know what you guys offer.
Well make sure you get advertising space prior to advertising as there is no advertising allowed without first making donation for advertising. :)

You should send a PM to "rollitup" directly for more information.
Well make sure you get advertising space prior to advertising as there is no advertising allowed without first making donation for advertising. :)

You should send a PM to "rollitup" directly for more information.

And how do I go about PM'ing rollitup? I'm not familiar with all of the controls on this forum. My intention right now is not to advertise, it's simply to gauge how responsive the forum is to areas I specialize. So far, it seems pretty responsive and the people here are really cool. Depending on the cost of it, I may be interested in something soon, in the way of actually advertising.
Thanks, I contacted him. You can close the thread now if you'd like, as it won't be of any real use to me anymore...
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