Advice about implementing Blue Light Treatment/No Red Treatment during the last 72h before harvest.


I have not found much about this online thus far though I haven't been at it for very long, but in some text I found a reference to something they called "Blue Light Treatment" during the last 3 days before harvest, which supposedly constitutes an increase in blue light in order to increase the amounts of terpenes in the final dried buds. Although while searching for info about that term I only found what was called "No Red Treatment" which is described as the exclusion of any red wavelengths during these last 3 days for the same purpose.
Here is a document of a sort of study, but for those who don't want to read it they try out growing 4 strains both with and without the "No Red Treatment" during the last 3 days before harvest and then they analysed the content of cannabinoids and terpenes, cannabinoid content was the same for both cases but terpenes was significantly higher(and different in some way which I couldn't quite grasp what they meant) in most of the plants which had received No Red Treatment although one single plant showed a significant decrease in terpene content as a result from the No Red Treatment.

Even by my short summarization of the "study" I think it will be evident why I call it a "sort of" study.

I would really like to know what you think about this, have you heard of it or even tried it?
I searched the forum but found nothing about it.
They way I see it, the description of 'Blue Light Treatment' and 'No Red Light Treatment' is pretty much the same thing, or could be the same thing at least.

It looks like with so many other things that the effectiveness of this technique is strain dependent but I am going to implement this idea, I am building a grow light using a bunch of EBgen2 560mm stripes, with added IR diodes for trigger lights, but I now also want to implement in one way or another this High Blue/Low Red during the last 72h of a grow and these are my thoughts about how to do it.

What I am considering:
Option #1:
As far as I can tell light filters appear to be subtracting all wavelengths except for the wavelengths around 1 colour, so I could get a blue coloured filter gel sheet from ebay and then build my LED grow light with provisions to mount this sheet below the LED's which would only allow blue to get through.
Option #2: Or I could buy a number of LED star boards or maybe some LED strip featuring only blue LED's, and mount them to the LED grow light and then during the last 3 days I would decrease the output power of the white LED's while turning on the blue LED's to create a spectrum dominated by blue, or simply turn on the blue LED's leaving the white LED's on the same output power as it was before the 3 last days.

I would love to hear what you think about the pro's vs con's about these 2 different approaches.

I welcome any and all thoughts, ideas or criticism.
