Advice for newbie

Jessie Moe

New Member
What's up all. Just started my first grow about 2 weeks ago. Grow setup is 4*4*6.5. I'm using a 600w my light for veg. Currently running 18/6. 345 cfm 6" vortex s series fan controlled by Variac solid state transformer. with phresh filter. Soil being used is Scott's hyponex. I know people say it's terrible but it's not a timed release and seems ok so far. But being first grow I'm not sure? No nutes so far and just got them in tent today. Had a delay in shipping my supplies. O and just transplanted into 2 gal grow pot today as well. I'll post some pics below. Just looking for any advice or thoughts on how my girls look so far. Also am I on track or missing something



Well-Known Member
I would've transp'd em earlier to a gal size, looked like you went smaller than red solo to 3-5gal, small roots big pot = less oxygen less frequent waterings slower root growth. Looks like you didn't add perlite, big mistake, roots like airy chunky soil so they can Penetrate deeper, ~30% perlite 60% ffof and tiny bit of gypsum epsom in my mix I'll get dolomite lime (ph +calmag) for the next run.
Also sounds like you cheaped out on the soil, if hyponex wasn't formulated for weed than its not formulated for your plants, they look a bit burnt from all the shit fertilizer chemicals. Ffof and other cannabis brand soils have a better balance of nutes without extra toxic crap that makes flower beds 'look healthy' keep in mind youll be indirectly smoking that stuff:spew:. Besides weed soil, assume ph(6.5 vital) + salt buildup over nute defs, you'll overfeed much more likely. Water when top inch of soil gets almost dry, 2-5 days, don't make a watering schedule based on what you think but on what the plants tell you. Get some cannabis formulated nutes I started with fox farm which works well but I would look into a 3/4 part nute line that includes calmag.
I'd recommend taking them out and mixing perlite into the soil that makes a massive difference. Also make sure the light is at a proper distance, to top 2-3 times not just once, and lollipop under the first top to get a good mainline hub started, Happy growing !:clap:


Well-Known Member
Another tip is to learn about foliar spraying, leaves can drink while you let the soil almost dry so that they'reless likely to wilt when it comes time to water. 1-2 hr before the light comes on for feeding and foliar

Jessie Moe

New Member
Thanks for the advice. Gonna go get some perlite and mix with soil. The soil said it had it already. Probably not enough tho. And for nutes I was thinking about using jobes organics with a 3 - 2 - 1 ratio. I did notice some slight burn with the pre mixed soil and thought they would grow out of it cuz it said soil only contained .07 - .03 - .01. didn't seem like a high concentration. Thanks for the advice bro.

Jessie Moe

New Member
I did forget to mention before I got serious about trying to grow, I only had all my ladies ( fingers crossed). Under two 5k CFLs. Think that stunted them big time. Since I went to the full set up and the mh light for veg (gonna switch to hps for flower) I have seen nice growth in just a few hours. Learning on the fly. I'm growing and learning with em.