Advice/Help Relocating to Denver, Please.

I dont really know how to start this off and so this is it.... (Yup, that was the kick off...)

I need advice on where a good area to rent in Denver. Where I live I can't do anything. I am Very sick and have been since 2005 & am going to have to move away so that I can legally grow. My illness is compared to a cancer patient being given Chemo & Radiation. That's how important it is that I move. I've never grown, and will never be a dealer B/C of my beliefs. If I were to even germ 1 plant where I live I get 30 Years per plant, and they will not care a dime about my illness. Literally if I were to germ 10 seeds and they saw them simply germed I would be sentenced 300 YEARS! So, I have no option if I ever want my life back. My State loves ALCOHOL.....
Would I be allowed to grow in an apartment, Medicinally Licensed? I'm worried that renting a home would make the landlord upset if they were to see a grow room.
Any opinions from those previously or currently living in or around the Denver, Colorado area are greatly appreciated. I talked to the Doctors today and they said I definitely qualify. The hard part on my health will be waiting 90 days before I can even go to the Dr. to even begin a grow which I will probably mess up my first couple of times... So, basically Im going to be sick as a dog from now until at least mid next year

Please help with any advice you can give me. I feel "Trapped" where I live & have to go the ER after I do not smoke for about a week and sometimes only a couple of days.

P.S. Please, feel welcome to P.M. me if you prefer. I need more advice after the "relocating" is done & hopefully have friends before I get there

Oh, and I LOVE to Snow Ski!


Well-Known Member
I never lived in Denver but I have visited a few times. Keep in mind that Denver is the "Mile high " city so if you have lung issues the altitude may become problematic. If that isn't a problem then Denver is a beautiful city. Nice people. I don't think that most apartment owners are going to say "yeah, just go ahead and grow some weed" but if you keep a small grow and eliminate the odors and noise pollution then they shouldn't have anything to say about it and if they know about it you have already broken the first rule which is " do not tell anyone" and by telling we mean don't let anyone know on purpose or otherwise. Having a small inconspicuas grow is not difficult and will easily produce all that you need after the initial harvest. All the info required is at your fingertips and many of us (including me) will give you one on one advice if you need it. Just ask Good luck
you may want to try and find a compassion club online and get in good with some of them and they may be better to help you. Love the attitude and I lvoe Denver I want to live there some day.


Well-Known Member
I hope you realize that you don't have rights as a renter. You can't just grow in an apartment just because you get a Red Card. If your landlord says " NO " , then you don't have permission. No growing outside either. Same for a house . You need the owners permission to grow on his/her property. I know that you are sick... but you just can't move here and start growing pot. Good luck tho.
Oh no... That really puts me in a pickle :( Do you have any advice on what someone would do that has no option but to grow in order to not stay extremely sick. I havent smoked in a while, and my sickness is kicking my rear end, bad. I almost go into full convulsion, have Fybromyalgia, heavy metal poisoning (which I know how to eliminate Via same Far Infra Red Sauna the Mayo Clinic uses), had EBV for 3 or 4 years, and man I dont even know what all else is on all of those Doctors papers. I've been in bed since 2005. EBV shut down Oxygen on 2 sections of my brain for 2 years, and I had to lay on my right side to keep my heart under control, and could ONLY stay awake 1 hour per day.... Now, if that isnt considered "Sick"I dont know what is.
Im just now about to turn 30. Im young, buried my X exactly 10 years ago, and got sick 4 years later & even have my Bed placed right in front of my Kitchen for water. It's THAT bad. I need Someone to help me decode and figure this out, or do you guys/Gals think it's best I call the Doctor in Colorado back, and ask them what I should do about the appropriate place is to live in order to finally be well?

I really appreciate it. I really need help. I am not an abuser by any means.