Advice Needed! I would be eternally grateful.

Hello everyone! I hope all are having a wonderful night! I'm new to rollitup, stoked as hell on my next grow, and need some advice.

I'm new to the forum, and have put off asking for advice for so long but with the investment I have put into this last grow I want to make sure everything turns out perfect, because in the past I have never been able to get to flower & harvest due to various problems outside of my control...-_- I guess it comes with living in a non-legal state. As of now I've been through 3 partial grows, and I just got my order from Ill list the grow specs below:

4 plants in soil and perlite(auto flower 45 day fem seeds which ive never tried) - GSC, OG, Super Hashplant and Narcotherapy

Large closet, about 5x2x5

400w HPS and an army of cool CFLS to supplement for full spectrum

I also fabricated the required C02, drip, timer, vent, and air scrubbing systems

I specifically want to ask:

Im not worried about temp but do y'all think there is such thing as too much light for the plants, any opinions on 400w HPS for 4 plants?

2. And WATER, water really scares me. Everywhere I have ever read online tons of people use tap water and it works for them. I know people in my area that have done it with no issues. But I have grown about 30 plants in the past, in different areas of the city, and besides the 10 or I basically killed instantly by watering them with tap water I notice even if they dont die they cease to thrive, get yellow, burn and stop growing. I even went as far as to check which additives like chlorine and

fluoride were in the water in my specific area. The levels in my area have always been below national levels significantly and ph levels were always within acceptable growing range. With the amount of people who have successully grown with tap water I really dont understand whats going on here, so any ideas on this would really be appreciated because im stumped?

I'm really excited to be a part of the forum, and thanks everyone I look forward to actually talking to other serious growers for the first time in my life. If you read this thank you because my rambling tends to get extensive.


1. Go outside at 1 PM on a sunny day and ask your self this one again.

2. Find local water report online to see what the ground contaminates are and levels.
I use tap with no issues and know it is 0.5 EC @ 7.1 right off the top. I also have a HF 2 stage that I stopped using after plants just faded out after using it and thinking why filter out stuff the plants needs anyway?
You could get a water filter system pretty cheap for a 3 stage or go all in on a take the whole under sink with tanks and filters RO system. Plants outside get rainwater/groundwater and whatever is in it.

2a. People like the blank slate of RO water so the can dial it in 100% with minimum variables in play whereas tap can change daily for the worse depending on whats going on in the system.
Thanks for the welcome! I have done all mentioned, and yes most def never OVERTHINK, haha besides relationships it also kills plants. Lol
Light fuels the can never have enough!
Just don't use laser beams or nuclear fusion!

As for water, I use tap's chlorine rich but I just let it sit in a bucket or OPEN bottle overnight and it evaporates sits at a ph of 6.5 and if I add nuteş I let it sit for a day more before using to help rebalanced the ph.

Happy growing mate!
1. Wrong question - should be asking if you have too much heat. If you are in a small closet you should come up with some sort of ventilation. For my flowering room I have a 20-inch box fan sitting in the doorway with the door 3/4 open. I get antsy when room temps get over 80 degrees fairenheit. With your set-up you may go with a smaller fan. Air movement is important this time of year.

2. "Large closet, about 5x2x5". Sounds like you have 10 square feet of floor space and a height of 5 feet? That's not really enough room to finish 4 plants at a time. I figure about 4 square feet of floor per finishing plant. Height is also going to be a problem. With just 5 feet from floor to light you are going to have to keep 'em short. I veg until they are 20-24 inches then flower for 7 weeks. My strain will continue to add height the first 3 weeks at 12/12 and finish around 44-48 inches. So remember to consider plant stretching (getting taller during flowering) when you are moving your plants or changing the light cycle. Note -- when you have a plant growing into the light too much don't be afraid to bend the main stem 90 degrees so the top 8-12 inches is perpendicular to the floor. The buds will continue to grow straight up and you may actually increase yield from a deliberately bent branch.

Good luck, BigSteve.
Too much light? Nah.

If you're having water problems are you sure you're not over watering? Allowing your medium to dry, especially when growing in soil, is essential for the health of the plant and its roots.
For a detailed program on proper growing,I suggest you go over and read the ALPHAPHASE thread.
He knocks it out of the ball park each round.
I specifically want to ask:

1. do y'all think there is such thing as too much light for the plants?

2. And WATER With the amount of people who have successully grown with tap water I really dont understand whats going on here?
1. Yes technically there is a thing as too much light. Not with 400w hps and the million or so floros you installed so relax
You can speed up photosynthesis with more light but you have to increase temperature and intro CO2.
That'll make the machine work a little faster
I don't recommend it

2. Do you have hard water? Is there a crusty powder around your tap? What's its Ph? You can buffer Ph with Bicarbonate of Soda and Acidify it apple cider vinegar. Got a Ph pen?
I also grow in soil and use tap water...If you're only growing four plants think about distilled water or spring water
You can spend money on an RO system if you want. The benefit is you can drink the water and use it on your plants