Advice on 3rd Gen white Widow/afghan


Hi everyone..I wanted to get some output on my overall grow exp.

Well right now i have 8 white widows and 2 afghan vegg..they have been vegging for little over 2 months they are about ready to flip into flowering stage.. there all soil base

Im using fox farm trio pack for fertilizer and im growing with 600 watt HM and switching to a 400 watt Hps because thats the size light i have in my tent.. My grow tent is 4x4x6 and im running Co2 in there when i start to flower with a 4in inline carbon filter..Do you think that would be enough to push out all the co2? Also will be running fans in there to keep it at cool temps and constant feeding schedule. The only problem im running into would be if there going to be light coming through the tops of ladies..I recently just picked up topping a plant so im have to try that on my next batch of clones to come but anything advice,output,anything will help im still learning and i want to learn more..Im trying to get more than LB off this harvest so anything would help

I have some pics attach to see my veg closet more will be up when i get my tent all hooked and the ladies transfer over



Active Member
Just remember what is in that room will be 2 to 3 times that in the next/flowering room lol thats full