advice on LED's


hi, sorry if this is in the wrong forum, wasn't sure if it should go here or in grow room design, setup.

im setting up a first grow and want to use LED's, im going to be using a budbox growtent 1.2 x 1.2 x 2m and a GHE panda system aero (8 plants)

what size light is needed for this? im thinking 400-600 watt, and can anyone recommend somewhere to buy them in the UK?
been looking online and so far these are the best i've found

would these be suitable spectrum/power/coverage etc?
and on the 600 watt there are options for :

light angle- 60, 90, or 120 degrees

red led wavelength- 620-630nm or 660nm

uv supplement- optional

light options- new 6th generation R/R/B with 660nm
quadband R/R/B/W wide spectrum with 660nm
red/blue 7:1
red/blue 8:2

which configuration would be best for this grow area size?

thanks in advance for any help/advice

awsome site btw :) hopefully have a grow journal up some time in the future ;)