Advice on outdoor flowering


Active Member
My plant has just started to flower and most of the leaves are turning yellow is this ok ? And i was wondering should i use some sort of miracle growth to boost it ?


Well-Known Member
yah so theres a couple yellow leaves its natural dont worry lol , it looks health and u should have a nice harvest


you p[lants are fine looks nateral. dont feed anymore N. and your harvest is like 4-6 weeks away but that is onloy an educated guess check trichones


Well-Known Member
how do i check the trichones?
here ya go, its from the growfaq. i'd take some time to look through the growfaq, its got the answer to just about any question you could think of. best of luck
When should I harvest my plants?

The 30X and 100X lighted magnifier are tools everyone serious about harvest timing should have. They make it easy to monitor the resin development process. After seeing 400X images of resin glands, I decided to also buy the 100X magnifier. It supplies a superior view, providing an enhanced perspective of resin gland condition and development.

I recommend buying the 30X model first and if you would like to expand your analytical capabilities, buy the 100X model. They both allow for a much closer inspection of the clarity, color and condition of the resin glands, which should be swollen and unbroken while remaining transparent and slightly amber, if at all, at the peak of ripeness. Some prefer harvesting earlier, as THC degrades to more sedative cannabinoids as the glands ripen.

Harvest timing is a matter of personal preference. When the glandular trichomes are clear with very little, if any coloration, THC levels are at their peak with CBD and CBN both at levels that will not overly influence the THC with their sedative effects. Some prefer more overwhelming narcotic type effects, allowing the resin glands to cloud and begin to amber or darken to increase overall cannabinoid content. The resin glands appear and therefore will mature at different times. A compromise is made when determining the desired overall maturity level to harvest. It depends on the growers preference in effect and palate.


I wouldn't force more nuts on the plant. Yellowing is pretty common at this point in the plants life. Basically it is showing that most of the energy is going to bud production rather than fan leaf production/maintenance. Or yellowing could be TOO much N rather than not enough. Also, I would not take the fan leaves off if it were me unless you have an issue getting light to the lower regions of the plant. There really is no point. They;ll die on their own terms and time and are still providing benefit (although may be minimal) to your plant up until they fall off dead.


Active Member
I wouldn't force more nuts on the plant. Yellowing is pretty common at this point in the plants life. Basically it is showing that most of the energy is going to bud production rather than fan leaf production/maintenance. Or yellowing could be TOO much N rather than not enough. Also, I would not take the fan leaves off if it were me unless you have an issue getting light to the lower regions of the plant. There really is no point. They;ll die on their own terms and time and are still providing benefit (although may be minimal) to your plant up until they fall off dead.
what do u mean by N ?


Well-Known Member
just started flowering, i'm not saying i dont believe you, but for outdoor, that looks like 3 weeks flowering... do not use miracle grow... have you not used any nutes this whole time?>


30x is a good zoom to see the mushroom trichs and their coloring. You can get them pretty cheap at a local general store or walmart or just order online. Id look into nuts too simply as a supplement to what you are doing. Try to find one with a around 15 count for P (Big Bloom etc)