Advise on grow


New Member
I am looking to grow for myself yield size isn't very important as long as I get something worthwhile.
I was thinking of a Space bucket type grow just 1 plant, but i have a few questions.
will a 125w or 200w dual spectrum CFL be best as a main light ?. I plan on adding 2 or 3 23w CFLs to the sides for additional lighting
I was thinking of growing Blue Mystic Auto or NL Auto, would these be Ok ?
For air circulation I was thinking of 1 12v pc at the bottom and 1 or 2 at the Top

I would like to keep running costs as low as possible and the grow stealthily as possible.

I would appreciate any suggestions or advise you can give. I am just trying to plan and research as much as possible to try and make the grow as successful as possible.

Thank you

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
I have no idea what a Space bucket is

CFL will work but HID or LED is better

You can grow whatever you want

The 12v PC fan is not enough, get a proper AC fan


Well-Known Member
I agree with King. If you're going for stealth, try to keep it as simple as possible ;) I dont know how big the difference is between LED and CFL lights, but I would personally suggest LED - my plants seem to lean toward that way more than my supplemental CFLs. Also, LED produces almost no heat if you get a quality panel.

How big is your grow area?

You plan on using soil or hydro? Soil is def easier to learn on, specially if you dont have a lot of control over the environment. Reservoirs get warm quick, and that can be devastating for your roots. Trust me >.>

Also, air movement is important if you're planning on growing in a box or cabinet. So go as big as you can there without drawing attention to yourself!


New Member
plan on using soil I have been thinking i could modify a old set of draws or build a cabinet that#s small enough to be unnoticed in my closet.
with regards to the LED lighting how many watts of LEDs would i need for 1 plant and is it possible to build a panel myself i have a good basic knowledge of wiring and electronics


Well-Known Member
Not sure on building panels, sorry :-( I bought an Advanced 100w panel since im starting out and its running great. Just started flowering my plant and its starting to fill out.

Id build your space first and see how much room you'll have for lighting. Honestly, if its just a cabinet im sure a 100w would do fine. Your yield may not be as great as it could be with the biggest and baddest light but it will save you a headache and keep you in smoke :-P

No heat, very little electricity to run, plug and play, and usually lightweight. Works great for small areas imo!

Also, I use Advanced LED. If you wantex to go big, opt for a 200w or 300w light instead of the 100 and I'm sure you'll be pleased. Just more of an initial investment