Aero and Hydro, worth the coin?


New Member
So i am a guy who has always grown in dirt. Whether it be in the ground or in a pot its always been dirt.

Ive never been too crazy about hydro, because every time I buy "Hydro" all it really means is that it is wet. I know with the hydro buds you most always get a good smoke but I never have liked the "texture".

Funny, I actually prefer outdoor over hydro most of the time, providing it's been a good year.

Lately I have been wanting to try something new. I was looking at the Aeroponic systems but everytime I see that word i think of garbage. I have been told by many users that aeroponics is shit, but then again, they could just be doing it wrong.

So here it is. I need some convincing. Some arguments posed. Hydro and aero, I don't know much about either. So if you got some spare time and know your shit (and like to show it off :D) than drop a message on the board.



Well-Known Member
If it's for personal why not just stick with soil? Only good thing I can think about hydro compared to soil is that in veg. it grows faster. My solution to that was to start growing using the SOG technique, so none to very little veg. time. I know this isn't the answer you were looking for tho. :)


Well-Known Member
Chuck . I started a DWC sog and all kinds of threads on how to grow this method. Gorilla growing is the most genius way I know of growing. But bro. Inside. I can see no other way of growing to beat any other style of growing when it comes to spaceX effortXyield then this style. Using the best proven info available by the best growers this system can and should be exploited by all means neccesary. And it would also be exciting to see a person such as urself and maybe learn from ur particular growing experiance using this method man.


New Member
Chuck . I started a DWC sog and all kinds of threads on how to grow this method. Gorilla growing is the most genius way I know of growing. But bro. Inside. I can see no other way of growing to beat any other style of growing when it comes to spaceX effortXyield then this style. Using the best proven info available by the best growers this system can and should be exploited by all means neccesary. And it would also be exciting to see a person such as urself and maybe learn from ur particular growing experiance using this method man.
Guerilla is the way to go if you need lots of smoke to get through a cold, long, hard winter.

Harvest 10 pounds and keep smoking till it gets old then turn er into hash for the next spring of planting. repeat. Lather and rinse.Laugh Out Loud.:bigjoint:

Yep, I might just look into a making a hydro setup. Anyone know anything about the type of pump you need?
I have one, but i'm not sure why, I can't remember its original function anyway. Its been kicking around my shop for a while and i was thinking of putting it to use. Im gonna dig er up and see if i can find a model # or some shit like that.



Well-Known Member
chuck - it should not cost too much coin for a decent hydro system (depending on how many plants you want)...

a couple advantages over soil...

1. you dont have to move around a shitload of soil
2. you dont have to manually water plants, put them on a schedule and watch them grow.
3. the only maintenance you have to do is change the water in the res about once a week, and lift the lights as the grass grows.
4. growth rates at least double in veg, which makes flowering plants bigger too

just be careful about the system you choose... DWC grows them the fastest, but its pretty sensitive to temperature... if any of your water gets over 72F it will grow algae and cause root rot - 65F is ideal, but usually requires a water chiller - which is some coin.

Ebb/flow is pretty easy to understand, relatively easy to setup, and thoroughly tested...


Well-Known Member
COME TO THE DARKSIDE! lol im gonna have to grow with the dwc statements obviously because that is what i choose to use myself. its defiently something worth looking into. its a common misconception that hydro is pricey and complicated when in reality it is neither. I built my 75 L dwc for about $50, and it is relativly easy to maintain.


Well-Known Member
It cost me 39 bux to build this tub man. It cost me another 100 bux for lights.
And 18 bux a month on the particular nuts i feed with.
ph- 5.4 - 5.8
water res temps between 72-78 depending on room temp variations.
Simply change ur water on time and dont miss. Algea already lives in the water but its cool. Its going to grow from light penetration in the water but u can simply remedy that by covering ur net pots. And ur tubs.
Lol U dont need a chiller.
U can get really technical and slam a cheap inexpensive fan blowing on the res itself.
But watch out cuz ur water could get a lil cold and u may have to put the fan on a timer.
I think that as long as u listen to the pros and set ur grow up sound using all the best grow techniques preached especially on this site u cant fail.
I used to grow soil in doors. It doesnt make sense to me at this point just on the amount of space bags and pots take up.Getting rid of soil and spilling in the grow room when totally bonged was never cool either.
In one 18 gallon tub which is approximately (2.82 sq.ft.) Ive got 13 plants growing right now. Based on Als and many other growers ideas. U can grow 4 plants/sq.ft. I pushed it a lil but u get the idea and im sure u already knew this. Im sure u already have the proper lighting as well but i went with 100 watts/sq.ft. and am hoping for at least 300 grams per tub/ 2.82 sq.ft. lol.



Well-Known Member
after reading that youve managed to convince me ;) lol meet me in the dwc thread bro i want to talk to you about my next grow its gonna be alot like yours


New Member
thanks for your help everyone. I'd pass out some rep but I cant figure out how with this new design.

By the lack of response for Aero I take it thats its not a very good way?

Can anyone comment on the Aero?

All I really know is that its a mist of nute water sprayed over the roots? Or some shit like that?

Thanks again y'all
