Aerocloner Problems


Active Member
and them

I use an self build aerocloner- but have some problems to use it! i read some internet sites- an all tell other ph levels- first duration i drive with a ph from 5.0 themp. 22.0 and works good!

now second duration- with the same mothers- ph 5.0 and 22 grad celsius- i have yellow crusty leaves- and dont look very well! rotts are now 1about 1 inch long....

in every forum you read diffrent things-- change ph levels- dont change ph levels- with humidity dome or without.... 18-20 grad celsius- or more.....

what is the best to use it??? do you have good instructions???


Well-Known Member
Not sure about anyone else but I aeroclone with plain tap water at 7Ph. Cut, dip, insert . Air and water temps are around 65-75F, Roots show in 1 week and I usually transplant after 2 weeks. No dome


Well-Known Member
Yep ph too low. What kind of water yiu using? I tried with my well water and calcium built up tremendously around clones etc. Point being your water could be crap like mine. My water is only ideal for soil


Active Member
i use normal tap water ph 7,5- an regulate the ph to 5.0--- now i read at the ez cloner site- i should use a ph between 5,8 and 6,5-- is this good??? i dip the cutting also inside clonex ....


Well-Known Member
Use plain tap water. Ph around 6-7. Don't add any ph up or down. That will inhbit rooting. Only add silica and slf 100. Nothing else. Make sure water temps are between 70-75.


Well-Known Member
anyone have any thoughts on whether to use a dome or not? im new to the cloning scene,been using a dome,but havent really had great results.ive rooted 5 ,theyre in promix,but by the time they put roots out in the cloner,they look a little rough.


Active Member
thanks for your answers- ok i will use plain tap water.... but my tap water have ph7,5 around.... in the moment no problem- i can mix with rain water to change ph--- but winter come- than i dont have rain water for ph down...

what is silica and slf 100?? i dont live in the usa-- can i get this stuff in every pharmacy store--- because import is a problem with our laws.... and wich dosage from this stuff???

now my plants look yellow green crusty( some better- some not)- do you think its better to take new cuttings- or give them a chance??

also some forum says- change the water in the first 5 days every day- because the chlorium in the tap water will desinfect the cuttings-- also the pump on 24/7-- than change to 15min on/15 min off


Active Member
also my little terrarium hydrometer says i have 90% moisture( but i dont trust it) - do you look at the air moisture level too?? i read its good to have 60-80%??
maybe its better to turn the air ventilation- a pc fan-- than it blows air inside- and not suck the air out??