Aerogarden Advice!!


Active Member
I just purchased an Aerogarden and noticed a couple of people were successful with growing it, mainly Tek and Merciless one. If anybody has advice as far as things I should change for marijuana growing please help with some advice


Well-Known Member
Only grow 1 plant 2 max, get new lights or at least add some. Take lights off and hang from chains or replace with better lighting. Drill hole in back towards the top and add an air tube with air diffuser or air stone. Dont use the nutrient tabs that come with it, buy some better nutrients. Buy a new power cord for the light or use an old radio or xbox or play station one will work, and hook it to a timer. Change the water in the res at least every 2 weeks and clean res thourghly. get a ph meter or ph test strips and a ppm meter would help. Ph is very important keep it at 5.5 - 5.8. Res temps should be around 68 degrees Farenheit. Most important though come to rollitup and post results, read read read FAQ and others posts,and pics are always an added plus. Good luck
P.S. if you havnt already purchased or recieved one i would suggest builing your own way cheaper and bigger res witch is important. there are plenty diy articles on riu do a search