aeroponic trees

has anyone grown in aeroponics and been successful at grown trees... or atleast plants that produce from a qp to a making a system similar to a clone sparyer in two stacked 5 gallon buckets and want to grow basically one plant in each setup.. i double stacked the buckets so the roots wouldnt dwc in the bottom right away and drilled a small hole inbetween for drainage into the lower reservoir bucket... any recomendations on how to setup the sprayers on something like this? i know the roots will be long on these plants.. and it will be hard to mist the entire roots.. should i keep the top of the roots moist as weel or is it ok to just spray the fresh root growth which will be about a foot or two from the stalk? or do people think aero is onlhy better for short veg like the sitink bud system and cloners? I havent done this yet ne recoomnedations would be much apreciated!!

Aeroponics – Benefits and Disadvantages

Aeroponics is a relatively new way of growing plants that is getting increasingly popular with many people because of the speed, cost, and novelty. Aeroponics only came about during the 1940s, and since then, many researchers have added to the theory and application of this method. It seems to me, one of the best ways to grow plants in a soil-free environment, with the exception of hydroponics. If you have little space for a garden in the form of land, or if your soil isn’t particularly arable, why not try aeroponics?
Compared to hydroponics, aeroponics offers even more control over the root system, because you don’t even need to immerse the roots in any liquid. This makes your aeroponic nursery “mobile.” Aeroponics uses a small internal microjet spray that sprays the roots with fine, high pressure mist containing nutrient rich solutions. Because the roots are exposed to more oxygen, the plant tends to grow faster. It is also easier to administer all sorts of nutrients to the plant, via the root system.
In a typical aeroponic system, plants are usually suspended on top of a reservoir, within a tightly sealed container. A pump and sprinkler system creates vapors out of a nutrient rich solution, and sprays the result in the reservoir, engulfing the dangling plant roots. Plants are inserted into the platform top holes and supported with collars. Aeroponics is often confused with hydroponics, since the two methods are similar and interchangeable, but In aeroponics the roots have no contact with any media, whereas in hydroponics, they do.
Some people think that aeroponically grown plants would be more frail than plants grown in the soil, but this is entirely false, as they are in fact even more well fed than most of their soil counterparts! Aeroponics can also be combined perfectly with hydroponics, to produce strong, healthy plants, as in hydro-aeroponics. The secret of aeroponics lies in the increased oxygen available to the roots due to the lack of root zone media.
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