Aeroponics - Nutriculture Amazon system...Is this any good?


Well-Known Member
Im thinking bout taking on Aeroponics for the first time, i used to do hydro in flo gro 500 drip tubs but stopped after a couple of crops of root rot, got fed up with all that work for nothing so switched to soil for an easy life.

Now im looking at Aeroponics, seems a very exciting way to grow, very little media, nice and clean, seems fairly straightforward and most importantly for me, consistently large and tasty yields.

Just want to hear from anyone who has or is using this method and system for some startup tips and advice, it will be well received. Need all the info i can get atm.


Well-Known Member
My bet is that it's not "true aeroponics"/high pressure aeroponics. In which case diy is simple and much less expensive.


Well-Known Member
its actually supposed to be the bomb from what ive heard, just wondered if anyone here had personal experience with the amazon system


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying it won't work. Just pointing out those two things is all.

If you aren't into diy and not looking for true aeroponics then it should work for you, as long as you can keep the root zone and nutrient solution cool enough.

I don't think there's as much difference between different styles of hydroponics as the marketing companies would like you to believe.


Well-Known Member
Its pretty easy to convert an amazon to high pressure, i did one for a mate a while back. Theres not alot of room in them imho but he`s happy as its now completely silent 99% of the time compared to when he was running the original maxijet pump and spinners 24/7. I guess it shaves a little off his leccy bill too.