Aeroponics system help


Active Member
so i have a few questions about my aero system
1. what type of water cycle should i use?
2. what types of nutes should i use on it what do you recommend
3. what type of PH scale should i get
4. how often should i clean it?

any tips for me or anything you recommend me doing?
Ok first of all you need to be checking your water temps they should be around 68-75 deg.. your ph should be around 5.5.. you also need a ppm meter which tells you how much ferts are in the water. To much ferts you will burn and kill them to little you will not see as fast of growth. Also you ferts should not be organic because they will clog up your sprayers you will prob need to go with some thing synthetic. You will need your basic grow formula and a Cal-Mag sup. I also rec you to have reverse osmosis. Also what type of lighting are you runnig