Afghan Kush Ryder (AKR) 300w CFL's (Second Grow)


Active Member
This is my second grow, I'm using 5-6 gallon pot, soil orchid mix (ph 6.5). I'm in second day and I decided to do grow journal with every day picture update.

For light I have now pointed at this single plant 300w CFL, 210w of 6400k and 90w of 5500k. After first two weeks I will change 210w of 6400k for 210w of 2700k. I am on 24/0 cycle after two weeks I will switch to 19/4.

First two weeks I will be using only water and than I'll start using Canna Boost.

If anyone have any experiences with AKR or grows similar like this, let me know all your opinions and guidance.

Thank you very much here is day 1 & 2:

Day 01:

Day 02:


Well-Known Member
Subbed, plan on growing AKR after my current grow is done, although you have about 100w more than me. What's 19/4? Aren't you missing an hour?


Active Member
Subbed, plan on growing AKR after my current grow is done, although you have about 100w more than me. What's 19/4? Aren't you missing an hour?
Yeah I can imagine it's confusing but I seen this video and they are using 19/4 so I would love to get to the result of the grow on the video as close as possible.



Well-Known Member
But that makes no sense...There's 24 hours in a day. 19/4 is only 23. Where's the other hour in the day go? Most autoflower breeders recommend 20/4


Active Member
But that makes no sense...There's 24 hours in a day. 19/4 is only 23. Where's the other hour in the day go? Most autoflower breeders recommend 20/4
I know... well I have 2 more weeks to do my research, so I will... :) cause hold on to 19/4 that would be very difficult... :D Will keep posted...


Well-Known Member
from my understanding of things, plants dont understand our concept of time. they go by the amount of time its dark for and they cant photosynthesise. u can use as many light hours as you want. but with autos they will flower in any light conditions so the more light the better, more light = more photosynthesis = more buds = bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I'm currently growing 3 AKR and am about two weeks from harvest according to the breeder. Plants stay short but bus are big and plentiful.

PS I grow under 24/0 light.


Active Member
I'm currently growing 3 AKR and am about two weeks from harvest according to the breeder. Plants stay short but bus are big and plentiful.

PS I grow under 24/0 light.
Dude, could you post some pictures? Cause I am very curious about how it looks and how tall is it and so on. Also could you say under what light and with what nutrients you grow? Thank you...


Well-Known Member
Dude, could you post some pictures? Cause I am very curious about how it looks and how tall is it and so on. Also could you say under what light and with what nutrients you grow? Thank you...
Seconded, pot size too if you please ^_^


Well-Known Member
Unless you planned on drilling holes or something in the pot you wasted what looks like what could of bin an additional 2 inches of soil.


Well-Known Member
he can always add more when the stems stretch a bit to help stabilise it and obviously make room for more roots :)


Active Member
Unless you planned on drilling holes or something in the pot you wasted what looks like what could of bin an additional 2 inches of soil.
That is 10l of compost mix, that must be enough for 70days It is really tall pot...


Well-Known Member
Oh I'm not saying it's not enough soil. I was saying you wasted space by not filled to capacity. You have plenty of soil.


Active Member
I just ordered 1 akr from the tude. expect it to deliver sometime this week, I will be doing an indoor/outdoor grow, outdoors during the day and then indoors during the night just till she shows her flowers then itll be 100% outdoor, youll be a good comparison for a 100% indoor grow.


Well-Known Member
once you have an established seedling you should be ok. if need be stick a small humidity dome over them for a week or 2 to help them settle down.