after 2 unsuccessfull growes, how am i looking


Well-Known Member
I hope I am not asking to late, but my leaves look bad. I also heard noty to transplant 2 weeks into flower, I ask because (I have one plant in a small 3 liter and seems fine. I put 2 in bigger buckets about a week into flower. Is this OK?? To transplant a week into floweR?
Medina Hasta Grow (first time I havent used high dollar GHydro)
I use Maxicrop Seaweed
Fafard 3b soiless
bud blast
hornby bud blast
cal mag plus (advanced nute)
mychoriza and beni fungi
squirl fan on dimmer from o to supercharged
veg 400mh 5-6weeks, flower 600hps
soil temp is 58-59??? is this bad, did I hurt them when I cut the little buds at the mid and bottom of a stem?
Its not too cold here in SE, its perfect for indor, Co2 would be easy now and I bet very effective since the need to vent would be little (or any) i bet.
is it best to submerge your plants in a pale of aerated solution (like a manual ebb and flow) if you use a rather thick soiless mix?


Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
They just look a little over-watered to me, take the plates off the pots and allow them to dry back a fair bit before you water again....

pruning from the bottom-up to maintain good air circulation and encourage heavier flowers at the tops is fine.......I would not transplant at this point.......

my $.02:mrgreen: