Afternoon delight?


well from the lack of action here, its safe 2 assume this is not a legitament strain.

so can i ask what reason a popular and seemingly professional collective would make a false label? would they have anything to gain in doing so? after all, it did contain seeds. but i dont see why a "medical" facility that is claiming 2 "help" their patients make informed decisions on what kind of medicine 2 take for different issues would falsely label medication...? is this something that collectives do? does this mean this collective is not legit? i have visited 20+ collectives here in the sacramento california region and campared 2 the others i have visited, this one stands out as a clear leader. i just dont understand? please help...
Hey Tamy, I was able to pull it up on some of the collectives's menus on Weedmaps, so it seems real in terms of some of these places offer it. However, it might just be a private label situation where they are calling an existing strand Afternoon Delight most likely for marketing reasons.