AG Stealth Op. Bunk Seeds, Stock Lights


Active Member
So after reading many forums and doing a bit of research, i finally decided to try out this Aeroponics. Have always been a soil follower,truley, dont see a point in flowering a plant as soon as possible.Anyways, it is day 13, using stock lights, some seeds left over from last years crop, knowing nothing of indoor lights, and measuring the water i am surprised at how fast they took off, but it has definatly slowed since i added nuts,( day 3, right after sprout)makeing me wish i diddn't,Useing a table fan to keep humidity down, which isn't a problem living in Canada, where there is still snow on the ground. Being able to check on the plants daily is definatly an advantage, before everything has been done miles away, with partnership.
on a 23/1 scedual, res filled to the top of slits in container , and have not yet measured the water.
Main questions that haven't already been awnsered by any forum are;
Anyone experince problems/ even tried to transfer from aeroponics to outdoors.?
Tin foil any good to contain light and humidity.? its gets below -10 at nights ...
Also, For flowering, switching to a MH 250 enough.?

Pix Will Be Posted At 2 Weeks From Sprout. !


Well-Known Member
hey, what lights do u have. 6500k for vegging and 2700k for flowering is what preferable. u said theyre growin slow, that what happened w/ me, popped up in 36 hours and didnt grow a second pair of nodes for a week. now theyre bloomin over night. just wait it out, the first week is prolly the slowest. they need the nutes tho, so dont starve them, haha. about transferring them to soil, ive never done it myself, but many other growers have easily and succesfully done it. u got any opther questions just ask.


Active Member
thats bomb,
perfet cause i got enuff space for my summer crop, jus gettin some pre-reaedys so i have an early batchm and keep 1 mother in the tank, clone her, then rebirth over winter, for a 2nd has 2 -120V grow bulbs, i started from seed inside the pods,
and there on there 3rd set of leaves, other on is a late bloomer who i hope is my momma, shes small and uprooted for some reason buh i got her upriht and since 2 days ago shes finally on second nod.
What about tin foil, its curetaly covered comelel expect the from which is where the fan blows.?
add more, or take all off,.?


Well-Known Member
thats bomb,
perfet cause i got enuff space for my summer crop, jus gettin some pre-reaedys so i have an early batchm and keep 1 mother in the tank, clone her, then rebirth over winter, for a 2nd has 2 -120V grow bulbs, i started from seed inside the pods,
and there on there 3rd set of leaves, other on is a late bloomer who i hope is my momma, shes small and uprooted for some reason buh i got her upriht and since 2 days ago shes finally on second nod.
What about tin foil, its curetaly covered comelel expect the from which is where the fan blows.?
add more, or take all off,.?
oh, and i would not suggest aluminum foil, cause it cause hot spots and it 55% efficient at most and decreases with every crease in it. get some mylar or C3 anti-detection wrap if possible. also what light are u using (how many, what wattage, color temp., voltage is important but not something that u meation, cause 120v is US standard). check out my grow in sig.


Active Member
Im only using the areogarden lights at the moment, only 2 bulbs,
i checked for voltage on them aswell as online and no luck,
i dont plan on changeing the nutes, will light really be a problem , up untill flowering.?
and i shall replace 2mrrw, tinfoil is off exect fro around base of plants.


Active Member
Anyone experince problems/ even tried to transfer from aeroponics to outdoors.?

I am far from an expert, but my original plan when purchasing the AG was to start indoors and transfer to soil outdoors. I had good results, considering I had NEVER done a grow previously. I had good smoke, but not as much yield as I had hoped. I believe this do to the fact that once I transfered outdoors, I quit feeding them. I wasn't sure what TO feed them at that point so I just let nature do her thing because the root system that I had going on in this baby was awesome. However, I did use some good soil that I had added some compost to. This time I trying total indoors with FF nutes. From what I read, those nutes can be used for both hydro and soil grow, so I don't forsee a problem if I decided to put a few outside, which I probably will as it warms up. Good luck!!


Active Member
3Weeks, 5 days,
Have seriously run into some problems,
the one thing, i hope i wouldnt find, has become my worst nightmare,!
Root Rot; has literally corroded 2 of my 3 babies, from under the first nod, to the base,
1 of the actually snapped while i was trying to put a stick in. !
i have been much to busy lately, and havent been inspecting daily,
while i try and bring roots to my broken plant, and repair my damaged baby,
i worry about my last baby, and how she is starting to show signs of doing the same,
i know light entering the res, will cause this, but i dont believe it is the reason here,
anyoen ecounter a similar problem.? or know how i can stop this from attacking my last , sexy babi .!
oh yeh;
after the full 3 weeks, i let them all grow without triming tops,
1; 8th nod, ( now being rooted, :( ) , very bushy, huge leaves
2; 7th nod, being attacked, same strain as 1st,
3; is at 5th nod , and is what i was waiting on to start flowwering,
this is definatly a different strain,. with much skinner leaves, and thinner stem.
Help .! ?


Active Member
My Baby, =]
Of the 3 i had, i hung 2 due to root rot,
and my once smallest is now my last standing. It is 1 month to the date, and im plan on stretching, her, for a max yeild.
So flowering will start outdoors on May 2-4.
Ive only used stock nuts, controlled pH, and changed res weekly. currently on a 14/10,
because i really dont want to install new lights for flowering, and had a problem with the auto shut off, so i dont want to shock plants by switching back to 23/1,
.?:joint: Light one up. !



Active Member
yeh man, may 2-4,
flower power =]

i let them be for the past 36 hours and checked and was not happy with what i found,
seems the same thing is starting to occur, with no foil or label, the very base of the plant is starting to coorode, it has bumbs and a bit of discoloring from when it first happened, but i thought this one had survied. also there was some sort of fungus starting to appear, almost like mold, on the spong. so i scraped that right off, and scraped off the gunk off them stem.
i hope it will recoorperate and heal itself, other then that, the high hasent really changed but its comeing out nice. my cousin threw in another seed to see what happens on the one month date, and it appears to be sprouting with the lamp cranked up, so looks like i might come out with 2 for themay 2-4 =]


Well-Known Member
haha feds, naw man, your a lil too paranoid bongsmilie

Might be stem rot man, keep a lose eye on em, let us kno how it ogo's


Active Member
Rofl .! :joint:
looks legit huh.?
its an airsoft glock . xD
and yeh, it seems to be trying to heal im still really worried,
im deff going to change some things next time i start seeds, i got some pics,
lemme know what you think,


1 of the actually snapped while i was trying to put a stick in. ! lol so hard i was there what a sad day in tell we took bongs hits:P


Active Member
thatll help stem rot.?
not much suun is gettin down ther,
but the hole base of the stem is exposed now?