Again root rot?? Day 13


New Member
Im stunned

and pissed the fuck off

yesterday i smelled mold and saw my roots...they were brown i washed them all off...cleaned everything and restarted last night...get home today less it up...roots are brown again!!!!!!!!!!! This time after washing they didnt go back to as white as i washed them yesterday...

The funny thing plants look healthier than ever?!?!

I just washed the roots and net pots again and am re-scrubbing all equipment right now...

Is this becuase my water is too warm?? I dont have a thermometer...but it's warm to the touch...

Gonna buy peroxide you guys think they'll bo ok til then?



Well-Known Member
it should'nt be warm to the touch my friend! 24oC is the optimum reservoir temperature so get control of your temps before it's too late.


New Member
My dumb ass has been using warm water thinking my powder nutrients will dissolve better!!!

So you think the problem here is water temp??

And will they still make it?


Well-Known Member
Calm Down. Stop adding Nutes, use only water and H202 for a week. Add Cool water. Get H202 asap, 3% at 30ml/gal water in your res. It looks bad, but with some luck and love they will be fine.


Well-Known Member
I add water with H2O2 without nutes, wait a half hour then add nutes and balance my water, seems to work ok. Some organic nutrients can not be used with H2O2 so watch out for that.


Well-Known Member
Stop using nutes until your rot is gone. The nutes will feed your pests more and end up choking out your plant. Once your root rot is gone begin to reintroduce your nutrients.

Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
Buddha, I was reading your day 12 thread then this are getting some good nuggets of info from growinman (i think that was the guys handle) and many of the other members posts.

But the advice is coming in all chaotic so I will organize what everyone else was trying to get across.....

Couple things....and these are really non-negotiable with hydro--there are other nutes, beneficials, organic vs synthetic, yadda yadda that ppl will suggest in lieu of some of some components to my recipe....but anyway....

1. Required Equipment and Supplies
-TDS Meter
-Ph Meter
-35% Hort Grade H2O2
-Synthetic Nutes and necessary supps--ALL organics are incompatible with h2o2
-Ph Down (phosphoric acid)
-Fish Tank Thermometer for Res.

2. Recipe for success.
-water treated with 1.7ml 35% h2o2 per liter--re-treat water EVERY 3-4 days....this will solve your
-Nutes added one part at a time to desired displayed by your TDS Meter
-Ph down sauce added in very small quantities to reach a 5.8 ph.
-Resevoir changes every X days....for you i don't know....i change mine every 10 days but there 70 gallon/265 L
-Sanitize all equipment at each res change with a solution of water treated with 10ml 35% h2o2 per liter.

At this point if you want to "cure" the root rot you must carefully execute the following instruction.....the above recipe is preventitive not curative

Mix up 10ml 35%h2o2 per liter water in large enough container to dip the net pot in. In another bucket you should have plain water.

1. Dip diseased root system in h2o2 solution just deep enough to get all the roots but not the rockwool cube.
2. Count to 10 and remove
3. Dip in plain water to same depth
4 Count to 3 and remove
5 Repeat.

DO NOT allow the rockwool to get saturated during this process as that is counter-productive to what we are trying to do. Set in DWC running DOUBLE the normal amt (3.4ml/L) h2o2. Re-treat at normal application rate 4 days later and check out the roots.

The one in the saturated RW Cube must be raised up in the hydroton so it is allowed to dry out.......

As someone told you and I will repeat it----Never squeeze Rockwool, once crushed it will never dry out because there are no more air pockets in it.

Rapid Rooters are alot more forgiving than RW, you may want to check them out on your next grow.

That should get you headed in the right direction.

Good Luck