agitating PH situation


alright this is so agitating because it is such a simple christ my ph out of my tap in my new home is 4.00!

crazy cause all most every where i've lived in oregon has been close to 7.00/7.5 and if that was the case no prob..

so this house i have is in the middle of the woods and in the move here i misplaced my up and down..

simple fix right ha ha.. not a shop around if my life was dependent on it.. no soda ash either..

ahhh i literally just want to ph three cups of water so i can get cuts going..

so yea ive got some up and down on the way but in the mean time any home remedies just get me to 5.5/6.00!

what about fire place ash?
thanx in advance..


ok so after many many pages of information i found something interesting..vinegar!

now the thought had come to mind but i was reluctant as i couldn't recall where i had heard it...

but nonetheless i only have apple cider vinegar(for baking bread).

it turns out that is has all of these great trace elements as well that shouldn't be to hard on my cuts..

im actually excited to use this with my ladies..

ten drops brought three cups of 4.00ph to a comfortable 6.00ph and that has just flat out made me smile!