Agsil16 in soil?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone used this is organic soil? I ordered a bag since it was a Black Friday deal and I was curious.

I have some. Used a few times. I'm not a big believer in using silicates. It is very effective as a foliar for preventing PM though.

If you're going to use a silica product that's as good as any and it's very inexpensive. It's the same stuff you get in overpriced bottled products.

Like they say on the website:

"Compare to Pro-Tekt, Rhino Skin, Silica Blast and all other Silica Bottled products. There is no secret ingredient, all are made from potassium silicate."
I think I want to try some crushed wollastonite for silica next grow. I just been using an off brand potassium silicate and it seems to absorb but takes a long time to really build up on leaf’s.
Has anyone used this is organic soil? I ordered a bag since it was a Black Friday deal and I was curious.

I use it foliarly about twice during veg and I’m sure some drips in the soil. I’ve had good results with it.
Used it a bunch over the years, prefer it as a foliar to a drench/soil amendment.

Fucks with my pH a bit too much for my liking to use as a drench. As a foliar it's fantastic and loads cheaper than the bottled stuff though.
I noticed this stuff at buildasoil recently. Was thinking about it for my organic grow as well. Due to some of the comments online about ph issues I decided to stick with amending diatomaceous earth and rice hulls. Might be nice to have a bag around for foliar though.