AHHH! Electricity is out!!! HELP!!!


Ahhh! Okay, long story short I have no electricity untill Monday afternoon (2 and a half ish days). I have three 4 week old plants. Will they be okay?! They are..or were.. on a 24/0 light scedule.. will they be okay untill Monday?!


Active Member
They wil be a bit stressed and maybe even have some minor leaf damage. Does it freeze where you are? If so, you might be in a bit of trouble should they get close to freezing in the dark for a few days. However, if you have a reasonable temp, I think you will likely be fine.

If you could get them in front of your house and turn the car's headlights on overnight that might work too :) I did this some years ago. I didn't put them in my yard, but I did move them to the front of the garage and opened the door. We live on a completely fenced property in the middle of nowhere, so privacy wasn't an issue. I parked our two cars so that the headlights were shining directly on the plants. I ran each of the two cars for about 30-minutes on and 30-off with the lights on both of them all night. I'll never forget that crazy weekend.

In other words, think outside the box if you need to.

If noise/neighbors are not an issue and you are in the uSA then get to Costco and buy a generator. They will take it back when you are done with it. They have a fantastic return policy.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
there's a lot of growers that put their plants in for extended dark periods before switching to flower just go to 12/12 when the lights come back on and hope they didn't get to stressed during their lights out time, i.e from being moved, under powered lights, and temp drops. if you can avoid stressing them and insure their dark period remains dark then with a bit of luck you should be fine mate

mayor juana

Active Member
Hurricane knocked my power out for 6 days a few years back. I used big flashlights the first few days and ran a generator the last 3 days for 3-4 hours a day. Flowering suffers more than veg but everything made it.


I had some in similar stages that had to be concealed and completely unattended to for about 2 1/2 days. They came out looking a bit droopy but they bounced back, survived and flowered. They might stretch a bit but I say you'll be ok.


Well-Known Member
You'll be fine. does the room you have them in get any natural light? if not i'd try to put them in one, preferbley in front of a window. If its safe to do so of course. They will probally stretch a bit, but it will be fine, dont freak out about nothing. This isnt a real big deal.