Ahhhh WTF is wrong now....???


Well-Known Member
Ok yesterday my plant was beautiful and perky butv today shes all dull looking and is wilting wtf causes this "????WP_000119.jpg


Well-Known Member
it looks like the plant hates you. give it some space. dont see it for a week, that bitch will come crawling back.


Well-Known Member
I prefer the Bowl shape better than a saucer.

But if you've ever watered a flowerpot, youll notice the dirt gets pushed to the sides.
That's the shape of bowl you want for your garden plants.
Same with any plant really.

It looks like it's either too dry,
some of the roots are dying,
or it gets too much sun/heat.

Did you acclimate it to avoid transplant shock/light burn?
Have you ever grown anything there before?


Well-Known Member
I think it might have been the heat it easily gets to 90 here i built a screen to protect it from the heat we'll see if this prevents that from happening again


Active Member
Outside grow..Could be all sorts of things. But my bet, its hot and kind of humid there? Lots of pressure? I know around me, when the barometric pressure goes up, my girls get a little droopy.