ailing plant!!


i have 3 maui wowie clonz and 3 seeds i brought wit me from hawaii, one of the hawaiians isn't doing so well and i have no clue whats wrong. brown spots and drooping leaves. Lemme know watcha think



Well-Known Member
What kind of soil are you using? Does it have time-release fertilizers in it?

What nutrients are you giving them and how much/how often? Your leaves look really dark green like too much Nitrogen. Maybe it is just that strain though.

What is the pH of the water you give them? Those rust spots could be a Calcium/Magnesium issue, both of those nutrients lock out at pH 6.4 and lower.


it is half fox farm ocean forest and half happy frog with extra perlite.

i had an issue with over fert during vegging (fox farm grow big) but flushed and they bounced back, now they are on botanicare's organic flowering.

im not sure of the ph of the water, and i was thinking it could be a cal/mag problem but not sure hy the others wouldn't be affected the same


Well-Known Member
Certain strains can be more sensitive to pH and nutrient issues than others. You really need to be able to measure your pH to make a better determination of what the problem is.


Undercover Mod
Looks like a calcium def. Check list: Dark green leaves? check large dead spots of leave? check Mostly appearing on new growth? check i believe. Answer one for me are stems ad branches weak, lack flexability or crack easily?


all necrotic spots are on the lower growth but the stems are very rigid and brittle on this plant in particular, also this plant didnt like being trained or tied down whereas the others are fine, maybe just a bad plant or the runt of the bunch.


Well-Known Member
where would be a good place to pick up a test kit, and do i test the water or soil?
You can get a meter or water drop test kit at any growing/hydroponics store, or you can order it online. You could probably get pH stuff at an aquarium shop too. The little water test drops are less than $10.
Here are some for $5.50, and $5 shipping:

You should just go with buying a water pH meter, or the test drops. If you have a lot of money to spend, you can buy an expensive soil tester. If you buy one of the cheap soil testers, the readings will not be accurate enough to base anything off of, so don't waste your money on them.

With a water tester you can test your water before you give it to them, and if you test the runoff water that comes out of the drainholes in your pot you can get a rough estimate of the soil pH. It's not as good a reading as a real good soil tester would give you, but it is usually enough to determine if the soil is too acidic or too basic.


right on thanks man, i will pick one up this weekend and try to diagnose the problem, other than the one straggler the others are filling in and getting frosty... best ever