Ain’t no way Chump will win in the general election.


Well-Known Member
The independents are gonna vote Biden and his real base is not big enough to carry him. I also think a lot of republicans don’t like him with the exception of Republicans in office who are terrified of him. A vote for Biden is a vote for our VP cause Biden isn’t going to survive another four years but then again Chump’s heart might IMG_4009 Copy.jpegblow up or he’s gonna have a stroke. We couldn’t be so lucky.
There will actually be more than two options come November but why would the media cover any of those others running, they need the battle of left and right to sell ads.
Not much of a chance, but there is a little one. Young folks are freaked out about Gaza. Them being young, they have never seen the way Israel deals with their so called Palestine Problem. Seeing women and kids targeted (with american made bombs) in this way has made them really, really mad. And like most folks, they think the Prez can do more than is possible to make it stop. They won't vote for trumpf. but they might stay home. All the swing states are close. 10K here or there could sink us.
The independents are gonna vote Biden and his real base is not big enough to carry him. I also think a lot of republicans don’t like him with the exception of Republicans in office who are terrified of him. A vote for Biden is a vote for our VP cause Biden isn’t going to survive another four years but then again Chump’s heart might View attachment 5367748blow up or he’s gonna have a stroke. We couldn’t be so lucky.
You are saying it with your chest out. I like that. I agree with the sentiment and I think you might be right about that. If the election were to be held tomorrow, then yes, Biden wins. Too many things can happen between now and then for me to jump all in. For example, what if between now and the election there were a successful terrorist attack? Or perhaps some crisis elsewhere that spikes oil prices? Or perhaps an economic melt down due to some heretofore unseen blunder or corrupt act? They all seem unlikely but things like that do happen without warning. The closer we get to election day, the better your prediction will look. If it doesn't stay on the first page of this forum, your thread will get bumped up every now and then. I think its worth reminding who said it first.
He might not be on the ballot in the election, he will either be in the Whitehouse or in the big house, where he belongs. He might need the job, because he could be broke by the time everybody is done suing his ass. Then there is judge Chutkan who might soon be holding his leash with a choke collar until she puts him in prison until he gets out in a bag. If he is disqualified, he might not get out on appeal or be allowed to mount a write in candidacy, he might be a convicted felon facing a life sentence and more trials and be disqualified before the GOP convention. Donald's obstacle course got a lot harder, and he might be coming up against the brick wall of disqualification, which might stop him in his tracks and Chutkan could order him to stop fundraising for it too. She would own his ass until trial and conviction, right up until the BOP take custody of him and takes him to his gilded cage, until his next criminal trial. The one in Georgia might happen, and if Donald is in federal custody, he will be dressed in orange on national TV while in court for that one.

Whether he would win might be a moot question before the GOP convention, the longer the SCOTUS takes to disqualify him the worse it will be for the GOP, if they do disqualify him. If they do, or if don't he should be in a DC court by June for a spectacular trial with a mountain of evidence and almost all the witnesses for the prosecution are republicans, many who worked for him. It will be wild.

No mass protests yet after the immunity decision, never heard a peep, except for some whining.
I can’t believe we would elect a convicted sexual predator to POTUS but then I remembered how I felt after the Hillary/Trump race so I decided to get involved in my local voter registration drive and worked out a deal with the city to get a table at the farmers market for free. I used to do be a lot more active in my local political scean but over the past few election cycles have gotten lazy. So this summer I am gonna help people register to vote, change their affiliation, or update their status for as many people as possible in my free time.
I can’t believe we would elect a convicted sexual predator to POTUS but then I remembered how I felt after the Hillary/Trump race so I decided to get involved in my local voter registration drive and worked out a deal with the city to get a table at the farmers market for free. I used to do be a lot more active in my local political scean but over the past few election cycles have gotten lazy. So this summer I am gonna help people register to vote, change their affiliation, or update their status for as many people as possible in my free time.
Good idea,esp. if your in a so called battleground state,the electoral vote has really become a issue as this dickhead could never sit in the Oval office w/a being the end all,and it really sucks that only 8-10 states are what matter,this electoral thing was designed to help rural states but is leading to this MF's path to victory,once already,and perish the thought twice. If this MF had the shoe on the other foot and won pop vote by 3 million but lost the electoral vote, as has happened to Dems,he'd NEVER accept that and would be riling up his minions for a FKN civil war. You know he's gonna lose the pop. vote by a couple million anyway(Biden got 5 million more in 2020) but if enough retards by all this false BS in some key states getting him 270 elect. votes I will be beside myself,stunned,REALLY,4 more yrs. of this MF and all his venomous dreams and chaos unleashed. It will be so FK'd up and full of turmoil,our international rep. completely destroyed as every sane person in the world other than a few dictators will think Americans are idiots with no peer. I hope we can rally up to end this man's game,and it is a game he plays as he could care less about Americans(even his blind supporters who have gobbled up his venom like fish in a tank) and only cares for himself. He has no policies and uses catchwords to play his electorate,he uses choice words to issue veiled but deniable threats of unrest by his minions. I'm miffed that our country has been torn in half by such a easily identified poser who has just sabotaged the border deal as a unelected trouble maker,in the meantime screwing Ukraine and making our allies nervous that the US is going to bail and become unreliable even before 2024 just do to his influence on a pathetic Congress.Man could we use a divine intervention of some kind.
Can't help but feel this creeping anxiety as the months go by.If you'd asked post Jan 6 and the proceeding year or 2 if we'd have to relive 2020 all over again I'd have bet the house that Trumpmania was finished and a 2.0 more than unlikely. The uncharted attack unleashed during that day of shame and the multitude of civil/criminal indictments surely would relegate him to the dustbin. Yet here we are 8 1/2 months away from another day of reckoning,a mentally fatigued nation,dizzy from all the lies/drama/spin/and alternate versions of truths.We now have a non-functioning subservent Congress and a SCOTUS that are complicit in delaying anything that would deliver clarity come Nov. Current polls have Biden trailing as the narrative concerning his age and accomplishments has been hijacked by the R party hellbent on a Trump 2.0. I'm hoping by summer that all anti Trump forces combine/co-operate to flip this narrative,Bi-partisan co-op is vital(all dismayed/forced out R's,former Pres.'s,retired R's) and can barnstorm the nation warning of the danger of an inept/vindictive/ignorant/incoherent Trump getting his hands on the keys again.I find it astounding that this nation must endure all over defies logic,or at least the logic that used to apply. Even the once esteemed SCOTUS is no longer above politics seemingly w/it's actions recently aiding in what's become a cousin to the "big lie" in the "big stall" hampering justice that might give clarity to some voters who for whatever reason need to "see more",which in it's own boggles the mind. I just hope/pray that this country can overcome the fatigue,confusion, and the vast array of tactics employed by dark forces, at the ballot box and that the momentum to dispel the bogus mythical phenomenon of Trumpism picks up steam pronto.
lol I find it kinda funny Trump won’t debate his peers during primary season but apparently wants to tangle with comedians. I totally think Biden should decline any and all debates…goose/gander.

lmao fucking Trump he is such a moron.


You know Biden is smart enough (and has people surrounding him that are fr smarter) to walk Trump right into every trap he wants to if he gets the actual rules of the debate set up the way he would be willing to agree to.

Trump is surrounded by INCEL hate mongers who some may be very smart, but can't get past Dear LEader's ego long enough to actually make a difference, and Biden would destroy him like he did last time.

In 2020 Biden was playing by the current POTUS' rules of debate. This time Trump is the one trying to get on the same debate state and has shit for cards outside of about 12% of the nation that is in his cult electing him to be the frontrunner of the Republicons. Trump is a bumbling joke of a traitorous spoiled rich kid these days. I actually look forward to seeing Trump speed snorting ass just get owned on stage.

I loved Biden's response to the debate cry from right wing propagandists like Trump though, I look forward to months and months of him just destroying Trump before they do one debate right before the election as a cherry on top.

lmao fucking Trump he is such a moron.


You know Biden is smart enough (and has people surrounding him that are fr smarter) to walk Trump right into every trap he wants to if he gets the actual rules of the debate set up the way he would be willing to agree to.

Trump is surrounded by INCEL hate mongers who some may be very smart, but can't get past Dear LEader's ego long enough to actually make a difference, and Biden would destroy him like he did last time.

In 2020 Biden was playing by the current POTUS' rules of debate. This time Trump is the one trying to get on the same debate state and has shit for cards outside of about 12% of the nation that is in his cult electing him to be the frontrunner of the Republicons. Trump is a bumbling joke of a traitorous spoiled rich kid these days. I actually look forward to seeing Trump speed snorting ass just get owned on stage.

I loved Biden's response to the debate cry from right wing propagandists like Trump though, I look forward to months and months of him just destroying Trump before they do one debate right before the election as a cherry on top.

be nice if they used the same language against him that he used in this last R primary (if you can call it that). just mimic his excuses verbatim and let him whine about his use of his own words
lmao fucking Trump he is such a moron.


You know Biden is smart enough (and has people surrounding him that are fr smarter) to walk Trump right into every trap he wants to if he gets the actual rules of the debate set up the way he would be willing to agree to.

Trump is surrounded by INCEL hate mongers who some may be very smart, but can't get past Dear LEader's ego long enough to actually make a difference, and Biden would destroy him like he did last time.

In 2020 Biden was playing by the current POTUS' rules of debate. This time Trump is the one trying to get on the same debate state and has shit for cards outside of about 12% of the nation that is in his cult electing him to be the frontrunner of the Republicons. Trump is a bumbling joke of a traitorous spoiled rich kid these days. I actually look forward to seeing Trump speed snorting ass just get owned on stage.

I loved Biden's response to the debate cry from right wing propagandists like Trump though, I look forward to months and months of him just destroying Trump before they do one debate right before the election as a cherry on top.

I’m of two minds about having a debate.

On the one hand, it dignifies that man’s flux of the mouth.

On the other hand, It gives Biden the opportunity to let an increasingly incoherent P01135809 display his unhinged blather. Biden could smile into the camera and say something along the line of “Dear Viewer, look at the transcript of the last minutes and ask yourself if it makes sense.”

On the gripping hand, I doubt a debate will have a perceptible effect on the vote.