Air Flow - Fans

Hey, for the past while, i've always been turning off both my fans when I plug out my light(12/12) at night.
should I leave the running all the time? just dawned on me now that the humidity in the morning when I open the tent is like 80%


Active Member
I kinda wondered the same thing. (Not meaning to hijack). I just have one fan to blow on the plants to cool down the temps a lil and to strengthen stem growth. I turn it off at night, can I leave it on 24/7?

Bayou bud

Active Member
Get a fan speed controller. It'll do wonders and throw that on a timer thy coincides with your 12/12. That way it'll still suck air out and give you that neg pressure you want in there without having to run so aggressively. Hope that helps. And good luck!