has anyone ever air layered or grafted different strains on a plant? if so ide like to see some examples
Air layering is a way to make clones from strains of plants that are difficult to clone. Select a branch you want to propagate from, come down 12 inches from the tip of the branch and make two parallel cuts 1½ inches apart with a sharp knife. Don’t cut through the branch, just cut deeply enough so the outside bark peels off. (What you’re going for is an exposed wound.) Next coat the exposed area with rooting hormone to speed up the rooting process. Next you wrap the wound with moist sphagnum moss (or potting soil), then cover it with plastic wrap to form an airtight pouch. (This is the hardest step – and it can be amusing just trying to keep the moss from falling off the limb while getting the plastic wrap securely around it. To make the task a bit easier place the moss or potting soil in the plastic wrap first, then wrap both around the wound at the same time.) Then put rubber bands around the ends of the plastic wrap. (So now you should have a ball of moss wrapped in plastic wrap around the wound.) You cannot allow sunlight to strike the newly forming roots so you will need to cover it with something. Black plastic cut from a trash bag will work but aluminum foil is a better option in that it will not only block light it will also reflect some light rays keeping the newly forming root-ball cooler. Then you wait (and wait). To determine if a cutting is fully rooted, periodically check it by removing the aluminum foil to see if roots have grown to the edge of the plastic. Once you know that the cutting is fully rooted, it’s time to clip and then plant your baby plant as you would with any rooted clone.has anyone ever air layered or grafted different strains on a plant? if so ide like to see some examples